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Chapter fourteen: week 5



''Guys has any of you seen my- Oh my!'' I stopped on my tracks when I got to their room. ''Dear lord, this looks like a pigsty!''I looked all around me and everything I saw was mess, mess and an even bigger mess.

''What are you talking about? This room smells of manhood.'' Louis said while 'flexing' his arm.

I snorted.''Please, the only smell in this here is of pre-teen hormones.'' I rolled my eyes. ''Anyway, do you know where my blow dryer is?'' I asked.

''Yeah, you left it there after you blew Harry this morning.'' Niall said and they all started laughing uncontrollably, including Liam.

''Ha ha, you guys are so mature.'' I saw Harry picking it from the floor and I snatched it from his hands before storming out of their room. I was not in the mood for them teasing me. I had a rough couple of days and I was on my period which made everything so much more pleasant.

I got a late response and came back to their door. ''Oh and by the way'' I looked at the five of them. ''It's been four fucking days and you still have eyeliner.'' I pulled out my tongue and closed the door and heard them bickering.


I woke up in the middle of the night because of cramps and a tiny bit of craving for ice cream so walked to the kitchen to get water to take an aspirin. I downed the pill with water and searched in the freezer for the ice cream that I had bought a couple of days ago because I knew this would happen. I looked for it in every bit of space the fridge had and it was nowhere to be found.

Downstairs there was a storage for food so I went there to see if maybe someone had misplaced but it wasn't there either. I was about to cry because I felt really bad and my cramps were stinging really hard on my lower abdomen and I had no ice cream.

I might be over exaggerating but I get extremely sensible when it's this time of the month and it's been a stressful week.

I was just about to give up and go to sleep when I saw a light from the living room, I suspect from the telly. It was the only lighten room since it was almost 2 am in the morning. I went to turned it off and saw someone sprawled on the couch watching it and I came closer.

It was Harry, watching That's 70's show having a laugh and eating ice cream. My ice cream.

''You.'' I growled pointing at him and he widened his eyes in horror with the spoon dangling from his mouth.

''Jesus, Zara! Announce yourself next time.''

''What do you think you are doing?'' I placed my hand on my hips while looking at him.

''I woke up from a nightmare and couldn't go back to sleep.'' He scooped another piece of ice cream.

''Eating my ice cream?'' I raised my eyebrows.

''Oops, sorry. I didn't realize.'' He chuckled. ''There's still some if you want.'' He offered and my mood lightened.

''Sure.'' I sat down next to him and he offered me his spoon and I took it, I was too tired to go back to the kitchen. He raised his eyebrows in amusement. ''What?'' I asked with my mouth full.

''Nothing.'' He shrugged and focused his attention into the show. I nudged his shoulder with mine. ''What?''

''Tell me.''

''I never thought you'd take my spoon.''

''S'just a spoon Harry, is not like you have cooties.'' I continued eating my ice cream until I finished it.

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