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Chapter one: the first day


''Sunshine, wake up'' I heard the sweet voice of my mum. ''Come on love, it's your big day'' I tossed and turn on my bed

''No mum, i don't wanna go''I babbled covering my head with the comforter.

''Love, I hate to do this to you'' she took the comforter out of my face while she caressed my hair. ''Your brothers waiting for you'' I look at her and gave her a sleepy smile.


As I stood up trying not to wake up any of my sisters I saw my grandma gesturing for me to come out of my room. I made it out the room and my mum announced that she was gonna wake up my brother.

''Granny, what are you doing up? It's way too early for you to be awake'' It was 4:12 am.

''Don't you worry about me, I just wanted to give you a little something'' She showed me a little box that she kept behind her.

''Granny...-'' I started and she gave me a knowing glance as she held her arms up in defense.

''Don't, I want you to have it'' I opened the box and it was her old a little necklace, that I have admired since I was a child. I held her tiny body in between my arms as I hugged her tightly.

''Thank you, I love it.'' I said when I put it on.

''I just wanted to tell you, that no matter what happens today, I'm so proud of you my little girl'' She took a single strand of my hair and tucked it behind my ear.

''Grandma, you're gonna make me cry. It's not even 5 in the morning'' I hugged her again.

''We are all so proud of you and your brother'' She smiled. ''I love you so much, Zara''

''I love you too Granny, thank you so much''. She kissed my forehead and she left to their room

I walked down the hallway and entered the bathroom. I prepared myself, and I brush my teeth, put on some makeup on, nothing crazy. My everyday look, that consisted in foundation concealer, bronzer, a lot of mascara and a tinted gloss, just because I was feeling a little fancy. I brushed my long brown hair and straightened it. Looking in the mirror, I saw myself and i was pleased with my appearance.

Everything's gonna be fine, I gave myself a little pep talk and opened the door and saw that my brother was entering the bathroom.

''Morning, sleeping ugly'' He gave me a sleepy smile and I punched his forearm lightly.

''Morning, sleeping beauty'' I replied sarcastically walking out of the bathroom.

I went to my bedroom and I tried to make as little noise as possible as I didn't want to wake up anyone. I took my pj's off and put on the outfit that I had perfected the night before with my best friend Shana.

It was some cream loose shorts with a white graphic tee paired with some matching cream ankle boots, it was said to be a little warmer than usual so this should be good enough, but I took a black cardigan just in case I get a little cold.

Once finished I took my purse with everything I needed for the day, unplugged my phone and I was ready to go. I turn off the lights and exited the room.

When I made it to the living room that was connected to the kitchen and dining room I saw my mum with my aunt and uncle waiting. It was almost 5 a.m. and when my brother entered 5 minutes later we were ready to go.


The roadtrip from my little town to Manchester took us a little more than an hour. I had my butt sore from sitting down and my ears hurting because I had blasted the same song in a loop for an hour. As we approached the venue it was the break of dawn, my brother and I look out the window and smiled.

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