fifty one

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Chapter fifty one


I don't think I've ever feared for my life more.

Not even the thought of losing Zara compares to how frightened I was to see who was standing in front of us. It could have been worse but I almost fainted because of how scared I was.

But how am I supposed to act when I'm caught grabbing onto my girlfriends' butt, desperately harsh, by her father?

I thought that was the day my life would end.

Thankfully I'm still alive but that brought so many questions upon us. My family knew and her mum suspected something but most of her family was in the dark about us.

It made me a little uncomfortable, the fact that she hadn't told her parents that we were dating but I was in no position of getting mad at her, not after everything that went down between us.

As much as I don't want to admit it, I took her for granted.

I guess that subconsciously I expected her to listen to me right away and I was wrong. She even left me, for four weeks and I learned my lesson. Well, more like half learned my lesson, I'm still jealous and a bit overprotective but I suppose I'll just have to contain myself in front of her because the outcome is not good.

She might not notice but she's slowly standing up for herself and that actually makes me happy. Even if it is because of how stupid I am, and she's kinda right she put me in my place because I deserved it and I couldn't be any more proud of my girl.

She's perfect. Sweet, smart, gentle, nice, caring and if that wasn't enough she's hot, beautiful, and talented. But she lacks confidence in herself and she lets people walk over her just to get things done. I never thought I'd say this but she's way too nice. To the point, it's preoccupying because people tend to take advantage of her and that's something I will not allow.

Even if she's not with me - and I pray to god that doesn't happen - I'll still defend her while she needs it because her personality, although beautiful, is not strong enough. And I love her just like that, no matter what but she's my girlfriend and it's my job to protect her.

She's a people pleaser and that means she doesn't have it in her to say no, she can't say no and she doesn't know how to. That makes her special but that's also seen as a weakness. Thankfully she has people with strong character around her, like her friend Cassie.

But getting back on topic, she doesn't have the best relationship with her dad, so you can imagine how awkward that encounter was. I was caught red-handed and I must have looked like a deer in headlights because of how frightened I felt.

Because no matter how distant she's with her dad, he's still my girlfriend's father and therefore I should have been shitting myself because it was when he first found out.

As if the timing couldn't have been even better I was landing my cock on her precious daughter and kneading my hands on her ass.

If he even knew what my hands do to his daughter, I probably wouldn't be breathing right now but Zara actually managed it really well; she was a bit nervous because of the sudden moment but she was great.

What wasn't great was the interrogation I had to deal with from her sisters and mum back at her table while she left to say hi to my own mum and sister. She said it'd be a moment but the little minx spent the next hour or so ranting with my sister about how excited they both were for Australia.

In the meantime, I had to express my true intentions with her to her family and get on with it under the hard stare of her father, which made it perfectly clear that he didn't like me. Not that he said anything but he didn't have to, I felt it.

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