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Chapter 8: Judge's House.


It's been over a month since bootcamp and my life has become so surreal.

Two weeks ago Zayn left for Manchester to get to Harry's dad house there and I haven't seen him ever since. He reunited with Niall, Louis and Liam as well as Harry. They have been practising non stop and getting to know each other. I can tell that the five of them really hit it off because everytime I call Zayn to check on him, they hover the phone and start joking around. I think Zayn is finally allowing himself more to everything, he talks really highly of them and I can tell that he values their short-lived friendship very much.

He's always been a shy kind of guy and very much reserved, the complete opposite of myself. Through all our lives we've been good at balancing each other. I'm a talker and he's a thinker. I always say the first thing on my mind, while he puts so much thought before saying the wrong thing; something that I should pick on.

Right now I'm making my bags for the Judge's Houses because I leave the day after tomorrow. I'm putting together my best outfits given that I'll be there for a week. I got a call about five days and people from the show told me that us girls would be meeting our mentor in Ascot, Berkshire which was near London. They would pick me up along with the other girls and drive us there. I had talked to Zayn and the guys and they were going to Marbella in Spain and let me tell you, I was pretty jealous but then I remembered that they would have to take a flight there and I've never been on a plane before so I was pretty happy with my destination.

I had packed some comfy clothes as well as some dresses that I could wear while performing.

They had told us that when we arrive at the house we'd be greeted by our mentor and start working as soon as possible because we would be training all week and performing the selected songs on the second to last day. There will be some vocal coaches and musicians to help us an tutor us. On previous editions of the show, they had invited some special guests to help the judges select the acts that are going to the Live shows so I hope that someone cool will be there.

I hear phone ring on my nightstand and I took it, it was a text from Levi.

Despite what Zayn had said, we've been seeing each other since I came back from Bootcamp and I believe that things are getting a little more serious. We've been going out on some dates and last week I stayed at his house. Though, he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend, I know that isn't his style and I'm not going to push it, no matter how long I've been waiting for it to happen.

Not that I want a boyfriend, I don't really need it. I just figured it would be the next step for us. I like him, he likes me too. It's simply the fact that he confuses me, one day he's all over me and the next one is like I barely exist. He ignores me and sometimes he's rude or says things that make me question him, but then he's really attentive and I don't know, just, there.

He's driven me into this state where I'm constantly over analyzing and doubting myself.

Am I enough?

Does he truly like me? Why me?

Will he ever want to be with me?

There's also the fact that nobody seems to like the idea of me being close to him. Things shouldn't be this complicated right? No, this should be easy. Being with him shouldn't input this much leverage on my part. If my friends warn me about it, there must be a reason. But what do they know? They don't know him. I know him, I know how he's like. He's good; sometimes.


Come to my house.

I'm sorry, I can't, I'm packing.

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