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Chapter 12: week 3



After last night I was left buzzing. Not only I was still in the competition but also Zayn and the boys made it through. The excitement of performing on stage is something simply indescribable, the adrenalin that rushes through my veins each moment that I hit a note right and realize that people are listening and beyond that, enjoying it, just blows my mind.

I had received the second most votes of the whole participants and that pumped up my spirit so much that this morning I woke up in a frenzy. Right now I am on my way to my mentor's house as she invited us for a brunch after discuss the theme for this week. Our category was the only one still intact as last night Storm and Diva Fever left the competition.

The groups category was the weakest as the only ones left were the guys and Belle Amie. The other two categories had three acts remaining each.

''Ladies, we have arrived.'' The chauffeur announced and we were faced with Cheryl's house and her opening the door with open arms expecting.

''Good morning my girls.'' She smiled at us and we greeted her. ''Come on in.''

''Wow, you have a beautiful home.'' I complimented.

''Thank you love.'' She showed us to the living room. ''Make yourselves comfortable and I'd like to start with our personal sessions. '' She says while standing in front of us. ''Zara, you are up first. Follow me.'' I did as she said and we went to what it looked like a greenhouse on the other side of her house. ''Take a seat.''

''This is very nice.'' I glanced around me.

''Oh, aren't you a sweetheart.'' She held a hand to me and squeezed it. ''Well, love. First l'd like to start by asking you if you have any guilty pleasures?''

''Guilty pleasures.'' I echoed in though. ''You mean, musically?'' She nodded. ''Um, I like the Mamma Mia soundtrack. When the movie came out it was everything that I could listen to.'' I chuckled remembering.

''Oh my god, yes!'' She exclaimed in excitement. ''That's perfect Zara.''

''It is?'' I was confused.

''Yes, the theme this week is guilty pleasures and you just found yours!'' She smiled at me. ''Any favourite song?''

''That's wicked.'' I smiled too. ''Um, you are saying I can choose my own song?''

''Of course! I'll guide you through it and we can discuss about it but it's totally up to you, Zara.''


''Look at this, there's a picture of us and Zara the first week!'' Harry beamed looking at the computer and Louis along with Niall went rushedly to him and started laughing.

''That's a good one, Harold.'' Niall couched holding his stomach and I furrowed my brows.

''What's so funny?'' I went to where they were standing.

''A picture of us.'' Louis said.

''Let me see!'' I made space between them and looked at the screen ''Haha, that's so funny you guys.'' I rolled my eyes in fake annoyment, it was actually funny.

'' I rolled my eyes in fake annoyment, it was actually funny

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