thirty three

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Chapter thirty three


''What are we going to do?'' Anna whispers to me and I panic while looking at Zara's friends.

''I don't know but we can't let her continue like this. She needs to be happy.'' Lexington says and Shana huffs while rolling her eyes.

''Guys, this isn't fair.'' Libby starts and we all look at her. ''She clearly needs our support and here we are sneaking up on her. It's not right.''

''Who should tell her?'' All eyes look up at me.

''I can't. It's gonna break her heart.'' I say defensively. If I'm going under so are they. ''You all need to help me.'' I exhale out a breath. ''But should we? It's gonna crush her. I don't know if she would be able to handle it.''

''My love.'' Anna cups my face. ''I know you are worried about her, but you are not going to be able to protect her from everything. She needs to hear this.'' I sigh and nodd.

Truth is, this last three days have been hell for Zara.

I thought that the last six months since what happened with Harry were the worst and boy, I was wrong.

I've seen her cry so much these last few months and it's totally devastating. Being the independent girl that she is, she tried to put a tough front to her and make it seem like it was okay.

Her hanging out with him, always someone around, that someone many times being me I've seen her get so bad and it broke my heart.

She is such a sweet girl and doesn't need anything of what's she's been going through, her album, the weight thing, her management and lastly, Harry.

I truly know and believe he is a great guy and there's not many times you'll hear this from me, but I actually think he would be so good to and for her but let's just face it, the guy is a fucking pussy.

If he thinks he's deceiving someone with his attitude and his attributed reputation and that slight tinge of bad boy persona he has, he is way ahead of himself and most importantly wrong.

You can totally see in his eyes how much he cares about Zara, and I've witnessed it first hand. It's not just a crush; the guy is deep down drowned in love with her. And I saw it when I first started working for Zee, almost two years ago.

I don't really know what his issue is because any other normal person would tell their significant other if they had feelings for them, or at least try and do something. And besides, I cannot, for the life of me, understand what the hell is he afraid so much.

It's literally Zara.

The kindest human being in the entire fucking planet. If she didn't feel the same, she would at least try and date him even, and I know that sounds so freaking stupid, but that's how she is. She doesn't have a sole bone in her tiny body of evilness.

Which sounds completely delusional, given that she does feel the same way but the stupid guy got himself a girlfriend. Inconsiderate prick.

And poor Zee, she even went out of her way to send that woman a present for her birthday, a present she did not deserve and less anything from Zara. They were supposed to spend New Year's away from the city but somehow they plotted a whole ass kissing scene in the heart of times square for the entire fucking world to see it.

Eventually Zee would have seen that, given that it's all over the internet but I think seeing both of them directly and live was even worse. I can't even imagine how she must have felt at that moment but her face and specially the look on her eyes was killing me.

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