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(a/n: didn't expect me to update? me either.

Chapter forty


''So he finally told you?'' Cassie asks totally shocked and I nod hesitantly. ''Thank fuck, took him long enough.'' I frown and look at her confused.

''What do you mean?''

''Zara, my baby angel. I love you. I truly do but you are so blind to what's in front of you. The guy has been in love with you for ages.'' She holds my face and talks to me as you explain something to a toddler.

''In love?'' I choke out and she nods frantically. ''He didn't say that.'' I shake my head.

''Because he doesn't want to scare you off.'' She shrugs and takes a sip of her wine. ''Zee, if the guy could he'd probably ask you to marry him.''

''You are talking crazy, Cass.'' I grab my glass and take a sip as well.

''Yeah, you are right. The bloke's a pussy.'' I look at her with wide eyes containing my laughter.

''Cassie!'' I say in between laughs.

''What?'' She says with a wide smile and I shake my head while biting my lip. ''But anyway, what are you gonna do about it?'' She goes back to serious in barely two seconds.

''I mean, I still have to talk to Luke and end things with him.'' She looks like she wanna speak but I stop her. ''I know he doesn't deserve anything more from me but it still wouldn't be right to even consider something with Harry.'' I explain and her mouth falls open.

''So we are considering 'something' with Harry?'' She air quotes with a smug look on her face and I roll my eyes.

''I have to do a lot of thinking before.'' I dismiss her playfulness. ''He confuses me and it still doesn't feel right.'' She frowns in confusion. ''He's just saying that he has liked me for so long and that I date assholes in constant repeat. And when he kissed me-'' An o shape forms on her mouth and she squeals loudly.

''He kissed you?! Zara! You need to start from there!'' She shakes me by my shoulders and I chuckle at her enthusiasm. ''But like, how? When? Where? Did you two make out?- Zara!''

''Yes Cass, he kissed me.'' I say nonchalant but I feel like squealing too. ''After he gave me his speech, at that park and no. We didn't make out, it was just a kiss.'' I shrug.

''Just a kiss you say? Zara!'' She scolds me, still amused.

''Stop Zara! at me.'' I push her playfully.

''It's never just a kiss with the two of you! This is freaking huge!'' She looks down as if she's trying to recollect everything I just told her. ''Zara!'' She shakes me again.

''Oh my god, Cassie! Stop!'' I say while laughing.

''Tell me everything. I need to know!'' She crosses her legs and fully turns to me.

''It was a very sweet kiss.'' I blush and look down. ''He just kissed my forehead and lean into me and it happened.'' My entire face feels hot in embarrassment and I don't know why; it's just Cassie.

''Did you feel butterflies in your tummy?'' She teases me and I throw her a big cushion.''Oh my god, you did!'' She says after dodgin it.

''Cassandra, stop. You are embarrassing me.'' I hide my face with my hands.

''I'm sorry, darling. I'm just having the time of my life watching you blush over a boy.'' She chuckles. ''But now, back to serious.'' She drags a hand over her face and her expression changes. ''What happened?''

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