fifty five

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Chapter fifty five


''She's right, Zara. You're not worth it.'' Harry confesses with a defeated tone and sad eyes.

''You lied to me.'' I'm doing anything possible to contain my tears from falling and looking even more pathetic than I know I look right now. ''You said you love me, that you cared.''

''Well, clearly not enough.'' He shrugs and he starts gathering all of his stuff from my room and putting it in one bag.

''I'm sorry.'' I look down and I sob to myself. He's leaving me and there's nothing I can do to stop him. He's tired of me, just like everyone else. ''Please don't go.''

''And stay here with you weeping around all day, talking how miserable your life is when you pay no attention to me at all? I don't deserve this either, Zara. You are clearly not okay and I can't help you, not anymore.'' He shakes his head and I try to stop him from leaving me but his decision is already made up.

''But I love you.'' I confess while the tears are spilling down my cheeks.

''Saying that you love me is not gonna fix all of this shit.'' He sourly says and he leaves my room but I'm hot on his heels, following him through the hallway. ''You shouldn't do this to yourself Zara, you've had enough and so have I.''

''We have to talk about this.'' I plead but he's already with his hand on my door handle.

''I'm supposed to be your boyfriend, not your therapist.'' The way he looks at me, clearly disgusted and exhausted about me is hurting me more than his words.

''Please.'' I try once more but the door is already open.

''Save yourself some embarrassment and stop. You are way too damaged for me to try and fix you, way too complicated and to be honest, not worth my time. I'm only 19 and you Zara, you are so fucked up...and I don't believe you'll ever be happy because you are the one restricting yourself from it.''

''Harry, please s-stop.'' I try but he shakes his head. He already made up his decision.

''I met someone else, Zee. She's easier to handle than you, not complicated and we can'' He says and I feel my heart break into a million pieces. He's lying, this isn't true.

''That's a lie.'' My voice faltering with every word I say, he can't be serious. He's been with me, there's no chance he already met someone else.

This isn't like him.

''Face it, Zara. It's over for us.'' He steps outside and he gives me one last glance, looking at me with pity while I feel myself choking on my own breath.

''N-no.'' Everything's crumbling down and there's nothing I can do to stop it. He's gone, he's already gone.

''I have to go.'' It takes everything in me not to grab his arm and keep him from leaving but the last thing I want if for him to stay against his obvious will. ''I hope you can be happy by yourself.'' He wishes for me and I lose it.

''Get out!'' I push him and I try to close the door but he stops me and everything is so difficult to see because of how many tears are rolling down my face. ''What are you doing? Fucking leave!'' I growl and he shakes his head in disapproval but something seems to snap inside his head.

''I won't leave if you are clearly distressed.'' He tries to stroke my arm but I take a step back.

''Leave.'' I hug my body to myself, shielding from him but he insists on coming closer. ''I don't want you here anymore. I want you to leave.''

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