forty seven

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Chapter forty seven


''So you're telling me that when I saw this picture of you.'' Cassie points to the one I'm clearly failing at being incognito. ''You had fucking dumped him after you two had sex? Are you crazy Zara? You don't do that! Unless it's a one night stand, or someone random, not the love of your life.'' She scolds me and my lungs let out the biggest breath ever known to man.

''Cass, don't.'' I stop her and she raises her hands up in surrender. ''I know I screwed up badly, it's been almost two weeks. I learnt my lesson, it's not happening again.''

''But Zee, come on! I'll defend you until the end of my days but dude, not cool.'' She sassily takes her cup of tea to her lips and drinks from it while giving me a glance.

''I already said I'm sorry, there's not much more I can do now.'' My shoulders hunched up and she shakes her head, showing clear disapprovement.

''Of course you can! I know how you feel, you are shit scared about him breaking your heart but can you just think about him? If you are insecure then merely stand in his shoes. He's chased you for years, you are potentially- Scratch that.'' She interrupts herself and clears her voice in order to continue. ''The love of his life and he's probably been dreaming and fantasizing about that night for the longest time, not only because he got to spend the night with you but also wake up next to you. And then, bam! He gets it only to be taken away by fucking australian guy.''

''First, he doesn't have anything to do with this; I'm fucked up as it is. And secondly, wasn't it fucking aussie to you?'' I squint my eyes at her and she motions for me to drink my orange juice so I groan but oblige.

''That's besides the point and I know it's not him. It's what he represents.'' She does an imaginary circle with his hands, as if involving something. My comeback is only a confused frown. ''You are so pretty but so blind sometimes.'' Patting my cheek I get back to my juice and take a sip.

''You are being mean today.'' My eyes narrow at her and she sighs.

''I'm not, babe.'' She is quick to dismiss my accusation. ''I'm just being realistic and honest about it because Harry loves you too much to fucking say something to hurt you because he knows it'll scare you away.''

What is she talking about?

''Cass, stop with the love of whoevers lives and saying he loves me. It gets me anxious.'' I rub my temples and she lets out a loud cynical laugh.

''Zee, I love you and you are my best friend.'' She takes my hand and I know I won't like what's coming next. ''I probably shouldn't interfere but I will if I know you are doing something wrong. And I'm sorry but you are not facing your feelings.''

There you go.

''Cassie, it's not that simple.'' I get up from the table so I can pace around while she looks at me glancing above her teacup.

''I know it's not simple and that's why I'm blaming Luke. When I tell you it's what he represents I'm talking about you shitty love life.'' Her face contorts as she says that last few words.

''Hey!'' She gives me an innocent shrug.

''You only know heartbreak and you are expecting for it to happen with Harry because you are used to being let down but he's not going anywhere.''

Why are they both sounding the same? I feel like these two are talking behind my back and I don't like the thought one bit but I'm probably delusional.

''What do you mean what Luke represents?'' I seat down again, take a croissant and tear up one of the ends to eat it up.

''Your shitty love life. You know, being dumped, cheated on and ignored.'' She comments absentmindedly.

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