twenty one

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Chapter twenty one


I'm going to die.

''Zee, are you alright?'' Harry chuckles next to me buckling up his seatbelt and I shake my head vigorously.

This is the first time I'm actually flying on a plane.

We are going to Los Angeles to finish some detailing with the record label and I've been excited for this day but dreading it as well. As soon as I got home from the x factor I had to rush myself to get a passport because I didn't have one because I've never been out of the uk.

Zayn had his since judge's houses because he had to go to Marbella in Spain and that was the first time he flew on a plane.

I'm feeling all jittery inside and my stomach is jumping up and down my abdomen; and the plane hasn't even moved yet.

''Is this the first time you are on a plane?'' He leans his head in order for me to look at him in the eyes and I nod. ''Oh, I didn't know. It's not that bad actually.'' He tells me.

''That bad?'' I widen my eyes in panic and he chuckles again.

''It's not bad at all, really.'' He clarifies. ''Here, take my hand and squeeze it as hard as you want.'' He offers and I scoff.

''Oh yeah, that fixes everything.'' I comment sarcastically.

''Do you trust me?'' He insists giving me his hand to take.

''Sometimes.'' I narrow my eyes at him.

''I'm actually hurt.'' He mocks with his hand on his chest and I roll my eyes. ''But seriously, take my hand'' He snatches my hand from my lap and intertwined his fingers with mine. ''Your hands are so small.''

''They are normal, is you that have giant ass hands.'' I say truthfully. His hands are huge.

''Why are you being so mean to me?''

''I know! I'm sorry.'' I apologize quickly. ''I guess I'm nervous.'' I confess.

''You don't say.'' I elbow him.'' I really like your tattoo. I may copy you and have myself one too. ''

He points out one of my many drunken mistakes. I don't regret it, I like my tattoo but it'd nice to actually remember getting it. I had gotten tattooed my audition number on my left pinky. It was small but I think it's cute.

That reminds me of my birthday. I don't remember shit from that night.

The only blurs that I have is dinner with everyone; going to the club with Zayn and Louis a little tipsy and then taking a lot of shots. I woke up the other day with a really heavy heartburn and my head pounding.

Imagine my surprise when I woke up all tangled up on Harry barely dressed on my bed. I remembered him picking me up and saying that I wanted fish and chips and him denying me and after that it jumps back to him giving me the Rolling stones tickets and me inviting him.

Next thing I know is me getting up on the other day.

It wasn't weird, it's not like we haven't slept in the same bed. It's was actually me waking up in my panties and a big shirt. Usually I sleep like that when I'm alone; the times I had slept with him I was at least wearing some shorts.

It's not like anything was gonna happen anyway, but I don't know. I don't want to be that girl, you know? Teasing him and not giving him any, not that my body teased him, he doesn't feel attracted to me and not like I'd give him any. It's just that- Oh my god.

I'm rambling in my head, again.

What are those thought anyway? I've gone to some weird shit.

''Dear lord Zara, you just spaced out again.'' I hear as I look up at him. ''It's good though.'' I give him a questioning look. ''We took off 7 minutes ago, we are already in the air.'' He pointed out the window and I widened my eyes.

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