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Chapter seventeen: week 8



''Zee! Have you heard?'' Niall runned excitedly towards me.

''Whoa, calm down Ni.'' I chuckled. ''What have I heard?''

''That Justin Bieber is singing on Sunday!'' He started jumping around me.

''Oh, that's cool.''

''Did you just say Justin Bieber?'' Cher beamed and Niall nodded. She let out a loud squeal and joined Niall's weird dancing.

''What's going on?'' Zayn asked confusedly as all of them approached the looneys next to me.

''Justin Bieber.'' I shrugged.

''Are you not excited Zara?'' Liam asked.

''Nah, it's not really my cup of tea.''

''Wait, isn't the entire female population supposed to be in love with the bloke?'' Louis asked in disbelief.

''Yeah, well, not me.'' I shook my head. ''He's way too young.''

''He's literally my age Zee.'' Harry joined the conversation.

''Well, that's young enough.'' I really didn't get the infatuation with the guy. ''Anyways, are you guys excited for this weeks theme?'' I smiled big.

''Yeah, it's gonna be so cool.'' Harry grinned while nodding.

''What are your songs?''

''That's for us to know and for you to find out.'' He poked my nose and left the room and I followed him.

''Are you really not gonna tell me?'' I pouted.

''You are not playing fair Zara.'' He looked to the side.

''Please.'' I extended the word by the 'a' while pleading with my hands.

''Nope.'' He shook his head.

''You are being mean.'' I furrowed my brows while pouting some more.

''And you are being childish.''

''The mature guy has spoken.'' I teased. ''Fine, if you are not telling me then you can find someone else to sleep with tonight.'' I stated. ''And every other night for that matter" I left the room.

So about that.

Kind of a long story.

Apparently both of us have been having some trouble with getting some sleep at night; me struggling a tad more than him. After some long night talks and several encounters we had slept off together unintentionally on the couch while watching That's 70's show and by some strange reason that I don't even understand they've been the best night sleeps I've been having in a while.

Which is totally weird because during the day, Harry annoys and teases the shit out of me, in a cool way, obviously, but for some reason he gets me calm enough to go to sleep so we made a little agreement, a little tryst if you will.

Nobody knows, but at exactly 12:46 am both of us meet in the hallway and go to the living room to watch some tv. If we are knackered we go to some of the rooms that are vacant because of the participants that have left the competition, so we have some privacy. We have an alarm set for 5:50 so we both return to our beds without anyone noticing; and make it seem that we never left the room.

So yeah, I've been sleeping with Harry. In a totally innocent and non-sexual way. It's strictly and purely because it helps us both get a good night's sleep. Besides he's a real cuddle bug.

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