twenty two

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Chapter twenty two


''Yeah, but would you get your boobs done?'' Cher asks Zara and I'm all ears now.

We were in the tour bus heading back to London for another one of our shows. We usually have two nights in a row and then two days off, sometimes we have two shows in one day and there are weeks that we only had one day off in between performances but it was alright. There were a total of 47 shows and we were already done with more than a half of them.

It had been amazing, being able to sing with the lads every other night felt like a dream. It has been a really fun experience; actually seeing how much support we have from the fans was blowing my mind.

The only bad thing was that I had barely no time for anything else.

We had been writing quite a number of songs, well, more like seeing other people write songs while we watch the process and comment about some stuff. So, we had been working on the new album because the we had to release the video for our first single by august and we were nearing April now. We have to record a full album but first manage to chose great single songs. We needed to make music videos and everything was so exciting.

Zara and Cher had a similar deal, but they are supposed to release their albums a little earlier than us so they had been swarmed up as well.

With rehearsal for the shows, the shows, writing, doing interviews and all that stuff I had very little time to be with Zara. She was trying really hard to make everything work out in time and organize her stuff, her manager was kind of a bitch and always was asking for her to write songs. She had some support as well but I had a feeling her process wasn't as fun as us, because after all she had to do it alone. I had the support of the other four guys and I was glad for that, I wouldn't know where to start if I were to do it by myself.

So, mission taking over Zara's heart and make her fall in love with me was a complete failure.

I had chickened out countless times before telling her my feeling and I had many opportunities but the fear of rejection was getting the best of me. I don't want to lose her.

However, even though we had no time by ourselves she was travelling with us in the tour bus, meaning that she was sleeping here some nights too. There were night that we had to sleep in the bus. It had 12 beds but since it was only the five of us and her traveling in this bus we only occupied 6 of the beds.

We all slept on one side of the bus, while the other six remaining beds we used for storage.

A couple of those nights I took advantage of the fact that her bunk was underneath mine and snuck myself into hers with the excuse of having nightmares and that her touch in my hair calmed me down, which wasn't completely a lie, I loved her touching me but I haven't had a nightmare in a while now.

''I don't know, I kind of get freaked out by big boobs.'' Zara responds and none of the boys are paying attentions as we have an xbox in the bus. ''Besides, I'm comfortable with my small tities.'' She says feeling them over her shirt.


That's another problem I have, I'm always hard and without any possibilities of her taking care of it.

''I always say, anything more than a handful is useless.'' I say while sliding myself next to her on the small booth on the bus.

''Harry, you are disgusting!'' She covers her face in embarrassment. ''Why can't you be normal?'' She shakes her head biting her lips containing a smile.

No no, don't do that.

Don't bite your lip like that.

''What are we talking about here?'' Louis slides next to Cher and the rest of the boys turn their attention to us, seemingly bored with the videogame.

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