thirty four

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Right now, I'm in a state of mind
I wanna be in like all the time
Ain't got no tears left to cry

song: no tears left to cry by Ariana Grande

(a/n: not meant to be played while reading)

Chapter thirty four


When this year started I thought I was at my lowest and I didn't even think that I could reach even lower.

Sometimes I wonder what have I done to deserve the things I have in life. Because right now, it feels like my world is ending. Don't ever underestimate someone's intelligence because it's gonna come back right at you.

I felt like a fool for crying for a guy that has no feelings for me but now, this is downright stupid from me.

When Aimee handed the new contract to Cassie I just thought we would be fine, that it wouldn't matter if it just sat there not signed until the day that it would expire. But I was wrong. Apparently there was a clause, that my lawyer missed in the first contract, that clearly stated that there would be consequences if I didn't sign the new contract.

The fine print can be deceiving many times and this time it played against me, as everything lately.

What was supposed to be a day of celebration turned into another gloomy and sorrowful one. I didn't cry though. I'm done with that phase of me, the sensitive one, it's not getting me anywhere and what I interpret at kindness is seen as a weakness.

But not anymore.

Ever since what happened in New York I've changed and it seemed to be for the best. As soon as I got home I moved to another flat really close to Hyde Park and made the decision have a fresh start.

New home, new life choices, new management. But it all went downhill as soon as my days off were over.

I was so naïve and thought that everything would play off fine, as it is expected. However, it turns out life's not a fairytale and as soon as you grow up you have to realize it or it blows up in your face. All until that day was child's play and real life was starting for me, in the worst way possible.

You always hear that you should never sign a contract until you've read it, so I didn't. With the little money that I had at that time I contacted the first lawyer that I could afford and told him to take care of everything. And have you ever read the saying that goes 'You get what you pay for'? Well, that was a clear example of it.

People from the management actually advised me to wait until I was eighteen to sign the contract, since I was seventeen at the time Simon gave it to me. That I'd be much easier, legally speaking, to handle all the matters about my career and do not involve my parents, so I did as I was told because I thought it was with good intentions, but it never is, and it never will, at least with my management that is.

Had I been a minor when I signed that contract, all the legal action that was being taken against me wouldn't have happened. Because if you sign a contract as a minor, you can be protected but also manipulated; what I wasn't aware was the fact that I'd be way worse to sign it as a legal adult.

As I placed my name on the dotted line I signed my life away and I was so close to getting it back, or so I thought.

Since I was already an adult on the eyes of the law I couldn't invoke any sort of protection or excuse about being mislead into this legal bond.

Turns out my latest lawyer also missed a little thing that would haunt me for a year now.

A minor detail that would put my life on hold for a year.

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