thirty five

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(a/n: this is part of a double update so make sure you read thirty four first)

Chapter thirty five


''Everybody's favourite ray of sunshine has arrived!'' I beam loudly making my voice rumble through the empty arena making the boys and some other people from the crew turn to see me with my arms wide open.

Yeah, long story short I took up on Zayn's offer.

I spent some more days at my hometown and then went back to London to pack some bags. Cassie wanted to murder me for leaving all of the sudden so she convinced me to spend a couple of days with her in London before leaving so I did.

I decided I would join them for Dublin and Belfast first and then I'd go back home because I had some stuff planed with the record label. Besides, they'd be touring around the UK and as much as I love it, the thought of spending weeks sleeping in a tour bus weren't pleasant at all. Don't get me wrong, it's fucking awesome but I'm not getting any younger and I really do need some good night's sleep.

So, that's it. I'll be joining them for most of the tour and I'll be traveling around with them. The dimensions of this tour are so much bigger than the last one so there's a lot more people involved and they even have personal trainers and personal cooks. They have two opening acts and they seemed pretty cool but I haven't met any of them.

''Zee!'' Niall is the first one to squeal and I smile at him walking in his direction where he waits for me with open arms. ''Welcome to my lands!'' He bows at me and I shake my head while chuckling

''Hey Ni. I've already been here but thank you so much.'' I courtesy before smiling at him and he hugs me so tightly that he lifts me from the ground making me laugh. ''Had I known I was getting this treatment I would have come sooner.'' I tease and he blushes before putting me down.''Hey guys.'' I say before approaching them.

''Thank you for doing this, Zee.'' Zayn whispers in my ear once he's hugging me. He's been struggling with a little anxiety since they started getting big. They were always pretty huge but this tour was way different from the last one.

''Are you kidding? Touring with you guys is so much fun.'' I caress his cheek as I grin at him.

I say hi to Liam as well but it's not as joyous as these two. My relationship with him has always been a little bumpy but that's maybe because we have very different opinions. I totally respect him though, everyone has a right to prove his point and I understand that. He's a good guy but it's just that I'm not as close to him as I am with the other guys.

''Where's Louis? And Harry?'' I ask looking around and they point to the stage where they are with other four guys. ''I'm gonna go say hi, okay?'' Zayn nods and I hold my purse on the crook of my elbow.

I left all of my luggage at the hotel they are staying but I brought some stuff with me because I need to keep myself occupied. I already feel like a guest in this tour and I get the feeling people are gonna want to be doing a lot of stuff for me so I got some books and games to keep me busy as well as a notebook in case inspiration strikes.

''Hey.'' I say while going up the steps leading to the huge stage.

''Zee!'' Louis beams and comes to hug me. ''It's so good to have you back.'' He gives me a toothy grin and wraps his arm around my shoulder and leads me where Harry is standing with other people I don't know. Harry throws a side glance at me and he visibly gulps. I ignore him because Louis starts talking again. ''Lads, this is our beautiful Zee. Zee, this is our support act 5 Seconds of summer.'' He points to two blonde guys and two dark brunettes.

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