forty three

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Chapter forty three


My life is fucking awesome right now.

She wants to be with me, she actually ran across a bloody huge arena just to tell me she feels the same way I do and I can't even start to believe it. It sounds way too good to be true but I'm not gonna get over myself about it.

I still have a lot to make up for and win over her heart. I can't take her for granted and I won't. She deserves for me to be the man she needs and I can tell that this is hard for her. How she acts around me it's enough for me to see how much she's been through and that she's holding up.

Sure, she's with me but it's pretty noticeable that she's still very new to this and I have to make her comfortable. Being her friend and being her whatever we are right now, it's a completely different scenery. I can easily compare it and visualize how it's that she's holding back.

She's much more silent, quiet and not as carefree. It looks like her mind it's going at two hundred miles per minute and her thoughts are taking over her head. She spaces out and she carefully chooses her words around me and I don't want that. I want her to be comfortable with me and I have a lot of effort to do yet but it doesn't matter.

She's worth it.

I asked her out on a date two days ago and I never thought it would be this hectic. The tour schedule is a mess and we have shows every night. This time we had a free night and our manager decided I'd be good to send everyone of u home, which was delusional giving that by tomorrow's noon I'd have to be on an airplane ready to go to the next show. That added to the fact that I arrived home last night but if I have one alone moment with her, I'll take my chances.

She's not on tour with us because of me and I get that but there's always people around, I can't tell if she's comfortable or not by me kissing her or anything and I have to be careful with that too. The last thing I want is to push her away so I have to be very attentive to whatever her response is, or simply just talk it through.

Planning this date was a nightmare too. I had next to no time to make it perfect and exactly how I wanted it to be. Because of our easily recognizable faces I just couldn't take her everywhere and have dinner; I couldn't be basic either so I had to think it through a lot and come up with something she'd like within the possibilities.

As if I wasn't freaking out because of the date with Zee already, Zayn made it worse.

''Hey.'' Zayn nods at me and I look up at him. ''I have some stuff to say to you.'' The back of the bus remains silent and we had Liam, Louis and Niall intently watching while I gulped down harshly.

''Sure.'' I say and he sits in front of me and the rest of them pause the video game they had been playing just to listen. Assholes.

''I know Zee it's about to arrive and you two now have something going on.'' He says seriously and I nod again. Zayn's a chill mate but he gets overprotective over Zara, rightfully so. ''She's been through a lot of shit and I thought I had warned you, months ago.'' He screeches through his teeth.

''Yeah, about that-'' I start but he throws me a glares that implies I should shut up, so I do.

''As I was saying, I've warned you and that still stands. You don't need my blessing or anything but I swear to you.'' He leans closer to me and I retract back a little. ''If you make her cry, as much of a single tear, you are a dead man.'' He points at me and I look at the crowd of three morons who are looking at us with impressed faces.

''I w-won't.'' I stutter and his expression hardens.

''I told you to stay away from her, you went against it and I understand why but I'm not kidding about this. You break her heart once more and I'll make sure you don't stand a second chance.'' I swallow dry once more and nod vigorously without saying another word.

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