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Chapter thirteen: week 4



''So how's this supposed to go again?'' Aiden asked me. We were working on his song. Since this was our day off he didn't manage to talk to some of the vocal coaches and he was struggling up a bit with the range of the song. Not that I knew anything but he asked me if I could rehearse with him for a while.

''Um. I'm not really sure but I guess you have to do this.'' I signaled to the music sheet. ''Do you see how it drops? You are supposed to go from up here.'' I raised my hand. ''Til down here.'' I lowered and sang the part that we were on right now. ''See the difference?''

He nodded. ''Yeah, thanks Zee.'' We rehearsed his song a tad more and then dropped to the sofa as everybody else in the house was doing something else.''How are you liking here so far?'' He asked me after a while.

''It's unbelievable. I feel like this is a dream and someone's gonna be waking me up soon pulling me back to reality.'' I chuckled. ''But how about you? Your performances have been amazing.'' They truly were good. He had great songs and his delivery was unique.

''Same. I can't believe I made it this far, feels so surreal.'' He stared at nothing in amusement.

''Yeah, I totally agree. Every single person in here is so talented is actually frightening.''

''Well not everyone.'' He did a face and I furrowed my brows. ''I guess there are some people in this house I'm not very fond of.''

''I hope I'm on your good side then.'' I joked and he dropped his head laughing. After a while he raised his head and looked me in the eyes.

''Believe me Zara, you are.'' He gave me a sweet smile and he started to get closer to me. ''You have beautiful eyes, you know that?'' He took a strand of hair and tucked it behind my ear. Leaning a little bit and I almost choked.

Is he about to kiss me right now?

I widened up my eyes a little bit and I went unnoticed as he looked down at my lips. He placed his right hand in my cheek and-

''ZEE!'' I was pulled out from the moment by Harry's voice coming down stairs and Aiden huffed. ''There you are.'' He entered the room taking my hand in his an pulling me up the couch. ''Come on, it's time for you to blow me.'' Aiden widened his eyes.

''Harry!'' I felt my cheeks burn in embarrassment as I smacked his arm with the hand I had free. I was actually relieved that he had pulled me out of that situation because I hadn't been able myself.

''Oh, it's just Aiden.''

Yeah, who was just about to kiss me.

For the last couple of weeks I had the chore of blow drying Harry's hair every single time he needed it. Ever since I had done it that time he thought he had broken it he insisted in me doing so. He claimed that my hands were softer in his head and that I didn't leave him with an afro. Personally, I believe he's just being lazy but I don't really mind, his hair's nice and fluffy. And of course he had taken on the joke of saying that I had to blow him which concluded in me smacking his head or his arm; he's such a boy.

He sat on the bed and I stood in between his legs with the dryer in my hand and the comb in the other. I swing my arm from one side to the other diversing the hot air around his hair. I took some strands and flattened with the help of my fingers. That went on for a while until I focused on the locks of hair that landed on his forehead, molding them with my fingers to the side as he usually styled it. I finish turning the dryer off and spraying some stuff into his hair to make it even fluffier.

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