twenty six

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Chapter twenty six


I miss her.

It's been six months since I last saw her.

Apparently the slow-paced growth she had been having since her first record was merely the beginning for her. Right after her nineteen birthday she started her tour and hasn't stopped since.

I heard she was already in the plans to drop another album within a couple of weeks. She was no longer in a relationship with Matt but there have been rumors of her hooking up with other two guys.

Me on the other side, I've been going out since I turned eighteen and enjoying the perks of it as she would say. Our tour ended two weeks ago and I was in London and on the looks for a house. Living with Louis was amazing but I needed my own space.

Ever since the last romance scandal that I had at the end of last year I had been linked to a bunch of women that were only my friends. I had hooked up with a some of them but they were mostly my friends, nothing else. It was hard because apparently I had been building up myself a sort of reputation when in reality it made me feel insecure.

I hadn't given up completely on Zara but it was difficult because we had been on different places of the world for this months and it was merely a teaser of what would be like us. I can't leave the boys and I wouldn't expect her to give up her tour to be with me; I'd never ask her to either way.

So here I am, I haven't lost hope and I'm already projecting into the future; she doesn't even know that I love her.


The last time that I saw her I wanted to tell her but I just couldn't.

''Zee.'' I say as soon as she answers the phone.

''Hey love.'' Her voice came out as a hoarse. She must have been sleeping. ''What's up?''

''I'm outside your flat come meet me.'' I heard some rummaging on the other side of the line and it sounded as she opened the door.

''You're not here.'' She complains and I laugh. ''You have your key, Harry.'' She reminds me

''I know.'' I chuckle. ''But I'm outside, it's kind of a surprise. I need you to come downstairs.''

''Do I need to change my clothes? I'm on my pajamas.'' She yawned and I can almost picture her rubbing one of her eyes.

''I mean, I don't mind those booty shorts but I don't know about the world.'' I tease her. Those shorts had given me countless wet dreams.

''Remind me why I'm your friend.'' I heard her voice a little distant and doors opening and closing.

''Because I'm amazing and you totally love me.'' Please love me.

''Ugh, is it really cold?'' She ignores me.

''Yeah, wear a scarf and a beanie.'' Winter had started and it was freezing already. It had snowed up a bit but not much.

We had resumed the tour and currently we were in london and tonight we had a show. Zara didn't join us because she was fixing last minute stuff of her own. So it had been almost three weeks since I last saw her and we had patched thing up but it wasn't the same, so I wanted to see her before she leaves for her tour.

''I'll see you in a bit, bye.'' She hung up the phone and I waited in my car.

Yes, I have a car now and I'm driving it.

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