forty six

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Chapter forty six


I'm afraid to open up my eyes and wake up.

Scared that as soon as my eyes open everything will just fade away and last night was nothing but the greatest dream I've ever had on my life. Fearful that it's not gonna be her and it's not gonna be our hotel room that I'm surrounded by.

Memories of last night come back in flashes and the reminiscent of her moans close to my ear, the hot breath of her panting hitting directly to my skin and the pleasurable stinge of her deep scratches on my back; making my morning wood even harder than it would usually be.

The lights coming from the outside are blacked out by the thick curtains covering the window. Odd, because I don't remember any of us closing them last night. We both got distracted and well, let's just say that we were busy and that was the least of our procupations.

From the couple of times I've simply slept with her we usually wake up all tangled and cuddling each other but right now I'm laying flat on my stomach on the mattress with my head turned to the outside of the bed.

I see my phone on the bedside table and I take one hand out to check the time, 10:14 am. That's later than any other day and I have hundreds of messages from the managers, and the boys group chat asking where the hell I am.

Squinting my eyes at the brightness of the phone I stamp it down on the table and let out a groan. I'm way too tired to deal with everyone right now and I just want to cuddle with my girl before I get up and start the day.

I smile at the thought of her being my girl. How everything seems to be so smooth between us at the moment. Never in my life have I ever thought about loving someone so much. Like, I knew from an early stage in our friendship that I was in love with her but actually being with her makes everything worse, or better, however you want to call it. It's intense, to put it in perspective.

Everyday that goes by makes things harder for me, I'm attached and I don't want to let her go. Each day she makes me fall in love and love her more and I don't know how long I'll be able to contain it. I want her to know how much she means to me.

I move my head to the side, feeling the bones in my back crack at the sudden movement making me hiss in pain at the loud noise and squint my eyes. I stretch my arm to the opposite side of the bed and nothing.

Turning my body completely I look at the side of the bed, next to me. Completely empty and most importantly cold.

My face turns into a frown due to the confusion and I raise my upper body on the bed, the white sheets lowering down and resting on my lap.

''Zee?'' I call for her and wait a couple of seconds for her response to come, but it never does.

I get worried at the silence around the room so I get up quickly from bed, grabbing my underwear and putting it on in a rapid motion, anxious to see where Zara is. Once I'm somewhat dressed up I go around the big room and she's nowhere to be seen.

''Baby, are you in here?'' I knock on the bathroom door and wait for an answer a couple of seconds but I'm only granted with silence so I step inside; nothing.

I run a hand through my hair and look at myself in the mirror and I see that I have a couple of love bites marks on strategic places - avoiding my neck because she knows I can't cover it up - such as my torso and my lower abdomen, more specifically my v- lines are scattered with tiny yet visible dark red and purplish marks of her gentle mouth.

As I finish with my business in the bathroom I go directly to my phone and check to see if I missed some sort of message from her in between any of the other notifications I had but there's nothing there either.

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