twenty seven

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Chapter twenty seven


''Hey, Zee?'' Cassie calls my attention as I draw my eyes from my phone.


''Aimee says she's stopping by for a couple of minutes, claims it's important.'' She seems to be reading a text and I nod.

''What could she possibly want now?'' I cock my brows. I've been doing nothing wrong and she's not supposed to be coming to my flat.

''I don't know but she sounded pissed.'' Cassie's face turns in horror and I roll my eyes.

Last year, right after The X Factor tour Aimee forced me to get an assistant. I didn't really need one but as always she gets the final word in every discussion. That's how I came across with Cassie. We did some interviews and my friends Shana and Libby helped me since they came to London to visit for the weekend.

Cassie was three years older than me and fresh out of college when I hired her. She instantly called my attention because of her accent, she had a hispanic tone and was really pretty. She had majored in Administration and had taken some courses in event planning which was absolutely perfect for the position. Her multitasking abilities were awesome and she really blew my mind so I hired her.

She was truly an ally in between this whole mess. I found in her not only and wonderful assistant but also a great and loyal friend. Yes, I was still paying her but she has always had my best interest in mind and hated Aimee to her guts. So I liked her.

''Whatever it is, it can't be that bad.'' I wasn't gonna give her any more importance that she deserved.

Aimee was already pushing my buttons. I finished tour three days ago and in little than two weeks I had a new album to promote, meaning I would have plenty of interviews, radio shows, photoshoots and everything of the sort.

This were supposed to be my weeks off and I didn't want to hear her complain.

''She's downstairs. Should a buzz her in?'' Cassie asks and I nod.

That was fast.

I gather everything around my living room and wait for her. Cassie and I were getting ready for a girl's night in and now I'm ninety nine percent sure she's gonna ruin it.

''Finally.'' She sighs as she passes the threshold completely ignoring Cassie, who rolled her eyes at her back. ''Hello darling, I've missed you.'' She presses one kiss to each cheek and I give her a tight smile. She was a small woman in her late thirties with blonde hair. She wasn't much but she was scary.

''It's been four days, Aimee.'' I fight not to roll my eyes at her. I need to be more patient.

''That's way too long.'' She gives me one of her wicked smiles and finds comfort in one of my love seats. ''But anyway, I wanted to talk to you about an issue.'' It was almost eight at night and she was still carrying around her briefcase purse and was on her formal attire. Everything about this woman screamed business. ''Are you just gonna stare at me there Cassandra? Get me some coffee.'' She ordered Cassie and she jolted up from her seat but I stopped her.

''Cass, it's alright. This was a brief stop by, right?'' I turn to Aimee almost defying her.

''Ugh, whatever.'' She rolled her eyes. ''But, how you been doll? I've seen you on some tabloids.'' Small talk, yeah, that's not gonna work. I want her out as soon as possible.

''Aimee, not to be rude but this is supposed to be my vacation and you kind of interrupted our movie night. Cut to the chase.''

''Cassandra, go do some laundry or something.''

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