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Chapter eleven: week 2



''So we have to sing this song and who's the singer again?'' Mary asks as some of us hang out in one of the common areas of the house, after dinner.

''Lady Gaga, Mary'' Aiden repeats for like the third time and I giggle.

''Never heard of her, I'm too bloody old.'' She says with a laugh.

''Oh come on Mary, you are not old'' I paused as I looked for a better word. ''You are just mature'' I kind of whisper.

''Oh darling you are way too kind.''

''Does anyone want a cuppa?'' I ask and some of them raise their hands so I count them up and go to the kitchen and put on the kettle.

I'm looking for the tea bags in the cupboard that are hardly reachable if I'm not standing on my tiptoes so I grab a hold of them and the box falls and some of them drop to the floor. I get on my knees to take them all and I hear someone whistling going for the fridge. I get up and accommodate my hair that's in my face.

''Ahhh! Bloody hell!'' He gasps loudly. ''Why would you do that?'' Harry holds a hand to his chest and it's not until that moment that I realize that he's standing the just in boxers. I widen my eyes and cover them quickly.

''For fuck sake Harry, put on some pants!'' I say with my hands still in my eyes.

''Why? Are you not enjoying the view?'' I can almost hear the smirk in his voice. I bet he is standing in the middle of the kitchen arms wide open. ''Take your hands off, it's nothing you haven't seen.'' He says and it's true.

For the last couple of days he's been roaming around the house barely wearing any clothes. And most times that I'm proud of admitting he has said and I quote 'This is how I came to the world why should I change it now.'

I uncover my eyes and just as I pictured he's giving me the cockiest smirk ever. ''You cheeky little boy.'' I shake my head and turn to the kettle that it's already boiling.

''Whatcha makin?'' He stands behind me.

''Tea, want some? I think there's enough for everyone.'' I offer placing everything on a tray.

''Sure, where are you hanging?'' He helps me with the teapot.

''Careful, it's hot!'' I pass a cloth to him. ''Living room downstairs.''

''Sure'' he repeats and we start going downstairs.

''Are you not gonna put on something?'' I stop looking back at him

''Zee, this is how I came to the world-'' I interrupt him by saying.

''-why should I change it now?'' we both say at the same time and laugh. ''Because there's convivence rules and also morals you know?'' I shake my head playfully disapproving.

''Fine.'' He rolls his eyes. ''Just because you are the one asking, though.'' Now, I roll my eyes.

''Off you go, wanker.'' I motion for him to leave and go back to the common area with the tea.

''And what's the song called?'' I hear Mary as I return to the room and Aiden rolls his eyes.

''This is useless.''


''Does anyone have a blowdryer?'' Zayn asks with his head hanging through the threshold looking into our room. I pick up mine and go towards him.

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