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Chapter five: boot camp pt. 3


The fact that Nicole was here was all the shot of confidence that I needed right now. I had the worst night yesterday. I couldn't keep my eyes close in the whole night. I stayed up rehearsing while Zayn was comfortably sleeping like a log and even snoring. I had stressed myself up and it was also his fault.

''Where's Zayn?'' The guy in the green one piece asks and the boys begin to look at each other in confusion.''Does anyone know where Zayn is?''

I gave a quick glance at the stage and when I didn't saw him I sprinted down the stairs of the left side of the stage. I walked through the hallway connecting with the backstage and saw him pacing around.

''What on earth do you think you are doing?'' I had to contain myself from screaming my lungs out.

''I'm not doing it Zara'' he gave me and annoyed look.

''Zayn, for fucks sake you are throwing away everything!'' I passed my fingers in my hair, almost pulling it from the roots.

''I feel like a tosser doing that!'' he signaled towards the stage.

''You are not even being judged!'' I hysterically reciprocated. ''All you have to do, is go up there and do the fucking dance moves!''

''Easy for you to say'' he whispered but I heard him.

''What's that even supposed to-'' I was cutted by a hand on my shoulder. Simon.

''Zara, let me talk to him.'' he muttered and I nodded.

After he got on stage and finished dancing I smacked his head. And I'm not even sorry about it.

When we got to the hotel I was about to give him a whole speech about how he almost messed up everything he has worked for so far, what we had worked for so far. But then I came to a realisation. It's not worth it. It's in the past and thank God nothing happened but it could've.

That's it, he's old enough. I'm done babysitting him, for good.

He knew better not to talk to me while I'm angry so he remained silence on his side of the room.

He's supposed to perform tomorrow so he didn't bothered me and I was thankful for that gesture while I was preparing myself. I had a bit of a rehearsal with one of the vocal coaches and I asked him some stuff to improve my performance.


As I was in the middle of the song in front of the judges I got a little bit nervous so I started to look for my safe spot. Zayn.

He looked back at me and gave me one of his beautiful smiles and that was all the reassurance that I needed. He gave me a thumbs up and I finished playing with the end of the song a bit with my voice. I knew I couldn't stay mad at him forever, he's my brother.

My twin brother.

He's literally been through everything with me, from the very beginning. He is a little hard-headed but he's good. He puts on this bad boy image that but in reality he's really shy and quiet, but he has the biggest heart ever, even If he doesn't like to admit it. And don't even get me started on his talent, he's the best and I'm his number one fan since forever.

I finished the song and Nicole gave me a bright smile and a wink which I returned with an even bigger smile on my face.

I was done for today, but I had to wait in here until everybody had finished. I was one of the first ones so I had a long day ahead of me, but at least I could help Zayn practise for tomorrow.

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