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*Knock knock*

I open the back
door and my eyes search everywhere in the dark but there's no sign of anyone. Just when I'm about to close the door, my eyes fall down at the box of pizza. What the hell?

"Take it in. It's for you." Hardin's text pops up in my notifications.

"Thanks but I can't accept this." I reply, looking out for him. And there he is, sitting on his porch steps, waving out at me. His house is right opposite my back door. I remember stalking him from my bedroom window since both our windows face each other.

"And I'm not taking it back. Please take it in or it'll lie there just the way it is right now."

"Thanks but I'm sorry." I reply and shut the door.

Stop. He needs to stop. I shut off my phone so I don't get distracted and focus on Chemistry. Just then, my stomach growls indicating hunger. I make my way to the kitchen in search for food but there's nothing. Ugh, I'm so hungry. I try hard to stop myself from thinking about the pizza but I fail to do so. I peep from the window to see if he's still there and no, he isn't. I quickly open the door and pull in the box of pizza.

There's a note stuck on the pizza box which reads, 'Think of me, while you eat.'
Is he crazy? He's well aware of my relationship with Zac. What the hell does he even mean by this?! My hunger vanishes at the sight of this note. Indignantly, I carry the box right across and place it down at his front door. The night's dark and the street lights are dim. I scuttle away to get back to the house when I hear his front door open. Without turning back, I accelerate my steps towards the house.

"Alexia! Wait! Listen to me please." He shouts in a whisper.

Just as I turn and am about yell "What?" his right palm muffles me.

"Sshh! There are people sleeping unlike you and me." He whispers, staring into my eyes, so close to me that I can feel his heart pumping. A gust of wind blows causing our hair to fly and sweeping the dust off the lone street. I notice how every curl on his head moves with the wind and guess he's doing the same. Immediately upon, I agnize his palm still covering my mouth. I then throw his hand down and step back.

"What did that note even mean?" I say, squinting my eyes.

He stands a whole six feet one inch infront of me who's a five feet two inch. His tall athletic figure almost similar to Zac's, just that Zac's wide shoulders were alot more broader than his. I look up at his face, realizing he looked so much like Zac. Although being childhood friends with him, I've never had such a close kind of encounter with him. Noticing the natural cut on his perfectly arched left brow, I think of Zac. Zac and he had the same eye colour as well. His russet brown eyes looking deep into my honey brown ones then move down looking at my cupid bow lips. Zac's lips were quite plump compared to his. Biting his lower thin lip, he steps forward, leaving no space to breath and cupping my cheeks in his palms he smashes his lips against mine. As soon as he smashes his lips against mine, I feel the sensation of ecstasy and bewildered kindle inside of me. Something inside of me was waiting for this very moment since a long time, the other part of me wanted to push him away because all of this was unfair. Unfair to Zac, unfair to him and...

Breaking from the kiss, I lift my feet to move as fast as they could inside the house.

What was that?

He had just kissed me and I let him not that I kissed him back but I still did let him.. I could have pushed him away but my hands didn't find the courage to do.

I give up studying Chemistry since none of it was going in my brain. All I could think was about our chemistry. His and mine. I put myself to sleep and apprise myself that when I get up the next day, I'll pretend as if it never happened. As if the night passed by, just studying Chem. Not our chemistry.

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