~ N I N E ~

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     Dex and Biana were being annoying; more so than usual

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     Dex and Biana were being annoying; more so than usual.  They said that the reason they came here was apparently to "comfort" their poor, sad little friend, and definitely not to pester her about anything that had happened the previous day. She was sure that Forkle set them up for this, but her only question was why? Why would Forkle care about her, enough to send Dex and Biana over, after she had basically jeopardized the mission yesterday? Sure, maybe the Neverseen knowing about their plans and confronting them in Vinecore wasn't her fault, but the fact that they had fled, deserted their hideout, and left her teammates unconscious definitely was! Sophie didn't let herself dwell on the fact that maybe Mr. Forkle wanted her to go on another mission. Nope, no, nada, absolutely not. She was setting herself up for failure and disappointment but thinking that.

     While Dex and Biana were chatting on and on, Sophie started thinking about they boy she fought. Who was he? He looked only a little older than Sophie, maybe he used to attend Foxfire...

     "Earth to Sophiiiieee!", yelled Dex, he was waving his hands in front of Sophie's face trying to get her attention.

    "Y-Yeah,"stuttered Sophie. A plan was already forming in her 14-year-old brain.

     "So? Have you got anything to say about that?"

     "Um, yeah, can you repeat everything you just said? I'll try to listen this time, but no promises."

     "Sophie! This is important! The Neverseen now know that you are alive and we need to be one step ahead of them!" replied Biana.

    Sophie snorted,"Yeah, right." She knew from previous experience that the Black Swan would never be one step ahead, no matter what they planned. The Neverseen were cleverer, more trained, and had many more members. Their ruthlessness had also been proved as an asset, since they had no problem leaving one of their team members to die.

     Sophie didn't want to talk to her friends anymore, she wanted to plan. " So guys, thanks for visiting, but I'm really tired right now, y'know, from yesterday, so if you can just, like, leave, I would really appreciate it, Thanks! See you later!" Sophie quickly dragged Dex and Biana to the door and closed the door behind them. Then she raced to her room, grabbed a blanket, notebook, and pen and settled into her bed, getting ready to discover a blond, (A/N Definitely not good looking at ALL WHATSOEVER) boy.


***WORD COUNT: 530 ***

So, what do you think?

My first chapter, riya did the others. Mine will be longer than hers because I can't stand small chapters, like, if they are small, why include it? Give the people what they want! Am I right?

I will always include the word count of the story, not including the author's note!

This chapter was mainly for Sophie to acknowledge Keefe, my ultimate favorite character, in case you didn't know.

I love writing the parts where Sophie is with Fitz because I. Love. Embarrassing. Fitz!

Anyways, thx for reading and onto the next chapter!!!!

***Queen Navya walks out, her subjects following.***

***Edited by Riya, like a lot, I hate to say this, like HATE, but she is the better writer.

-Queen Navvv


RIYA NOTE: uhh who made YOU a queen?

RIYA NOTE: uhh who made YOU a queen?

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