~ T W E N T Y - O N E ~

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Sophie hadn't been trained for this sort of situation

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Sophie hadn't been trained for this sort of situation.

She'd climbed lava walls, defeated a trio of dwarves, and even once bribed a dinosaur, but she'd never encountered a Shade.

Maybe that was why she was standing shock-still, eyes opened in fear and jaw slack. She finally noticed the shadows moving on the floor, creating grotesque silhouettes, and she knew that every single Neverseen member could be in this room right now.

Watching her.

And then, all of a sudden, one of them jumped out at her. This was something she knew how to do. She hit him with one side of her blade, and he crumpled to the floor. Idiot.

A shadow of a person moved behind her, pathetic, like she wouldn't realize that someone's behind her. Sophie was just about to attack, but then she heard a cold voice in front of her.

"Neutralize her."

Strong arms pinned her hands at her sides, and she saw a black cloth coming nearer and nearer towards her face. She'd seen this sort of thing in the human movies she'd watched when she was bored out of her mind at Havenfield. They were trying to sedate her.

Sophie struggled and kicked, desperate to get free. She managed to kick the one holding the cloth, and he fell backwards, clutching his stomach. That proved to be useless on the one pinning her, as he just squeezed tighter.

"I wouldn't try inflicting if I were you," the cold voice said. "Unless you want your goblins to feel the pain as well."

Sophie didn't want to admit it to herself, but the voice was right. She couldn't inflict on a single target.

The black cloth was in front of her again, and it was all Sophie could do to turn head away from it, wanting to stay conscious for at least a few more seconds.

The cloth was intoxicatingly sweet, and Sophie realized, after wasting her energy, that fighting was useless. This was going to happen whether she wanted it to or not.

The world silenced around her, and the last thing she heard was splash and a shriek before her consciousness finally drifted away.



(we update daily anyways so you won't have to wait long)

so this chapter was sort of a filler and it sucks because as you know war scenes are difficult for us. (almost 500 words tho!  -n)

so yeah. if you have any helpful advice/feedback feel free to comment it.

Thats all for today!

**edited by nav bc she made poor riya write the majority of the chapter :(

***nav wanted to write the authors note this time, but i refused cuz we all know she gon try to take  back the crown.

****Queen riya allows nav 5 minutes of YouTube time daily in the dungeons, as she is not completely evil and we all know nav is addicted to it

*****navya still plans revenge.

thanks for reading!

- Queen riya and navya the Unhappy Peasant >:(

Chapter written 4/23/20

Chapter written 4/23/20

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