~ E I G H T E E N ~

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The next day:

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The next day:

Mr. Forkle called the members of the Black Swan to a meeting, about a new ambush the Neverseen were planning. It seemed that the Neverseen were short of recruits as well, and were planning to attack Exillium, the school for lost causes, and round up those who wanted to help for their cause.

How did the Black Swan come to know this?


Keefe had tipped off the Black Swan, after sneaking back to Havenfield. His mother, being one of the most valued leaders of the Neverseen, had decided to include him in the planning stages.

Sophie had to admit, even though she didn't trust Keefe, he was a huge help to their organization.

Even if he still was a pain in the butt.

To her, at least.


The matter of who would be going to Exillium required a long debate. Everyone was convinced that they themselves would be incredibly useful in a fight.

In the end, they decided on Sandor and Grizel for their battle expertise,  Biana for her Vanishing ability, and would be able sneak around invisible, Sophie for obvious reasons, and Keefe because he basically begged the Collective to go after he realized Sophie would be part of the group. (A/N typical keefe)


"Soooooo," Biana said, plopping down next to Sophie underneath the Panakes Tree. "Big day tomorrow, huh?"

"That's one way to put it," Sophie replied, plucking the petals of a flower, one by one.

"You happy that your little boyfriend  is coming?" Biana asked her, nodding to where Keefe and Dex were having a burp war. (A/N Lmao i could totally see them doing that)

"Not particularly."

Biana (oml every time i write her name is autocorrects to 'Diana') burst into a fit of laughter. "You.....admitted.......he's......your........boy.......friend," she said between giggles.

Sophie flushed red. "He's not," she said pulling her hair around her to hide her face. "We're not even friends. We're just...acquaintances."

"Awww, you're in denial! I bet Keefe wouldn't agree."

Biana shouted to where Keefe and Dex had called Fitz over to judge their burps, and before Sophie even knew what she was about to do, she called, "Hey Keefe! Are you and Sophie friends or not?"

Keefe turned to where the two girls sat, the brunette grinning from ear to ear, the blonde red-faced and curled up against the tree. "We're more than friends!" he shouted back, before returning his attention to the boys' competition.

"Seeeeeeeeeeeeee?" Biana drawled out. "He lurves you, Sowphiee."


Sorry I haven't been updating.. I kinda sorta broke my laptop by wiping the keyboard, and now some of the keys don't work, so I'm typing this on my brother's iPad.

byee now <3

- riya

Chapter Written 4/19/20

Chapter Written 4/19/20

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