Chapter 31

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Finally after straight 7days of shooting, V and Lisa finished their MV and was going back to their usual schedule.

As it was the last day of their work, V invited Lisa for a coffee and she agreed happily. After all who wouldn't like a hot coffee after a really tiring day?.

Presently, they were sitting at the cafe with their mask and caps on for avoiding some paparazzi. Well, V was having fun.

Lisa stared at him as she noticed that he was chuckling silently.

"What happened,sunbaenim?" She asked, confused and V shook his head.

"Nothing!" He said while calming himself "well,I was just imagining rubbish things!"


"Like paparazzi catching us together and this news storming everywhere!" He chuckled "Just imagine the crazy army and blinks!"

"Omo!!" Lisa said and giggled listening to him "I mean, that will be the end of us!"

"Ne, all this hate comments and stuff!" He said and suddenly, a question popped in his head from nowhere.

"Well, I wondered if you have a choice to date someone, then would you date?" He asked and Lisa found this question off guard.

"I don't know exactly, sunbaenim" Lisa replied "I mean it's really depend on the situation"

"Yeah, I understand" V nodded understandly. However he continued "But imagine you are dating someone..then who it would be?"

But before Lisa could reply to his question, a waiter interrupted them.

"What will you two like to have, sir and mam?" The waiter asked and V replied kindly.

"I'll like to have a hot coffee and..." He looked at Lisa and this time Lisa replied to waiter.

"I'll like to have a cup of hot chocolate" she smiled at him and V smiled at her of how cute she is.

Finally after writing their orders, the waiter walked away. And to Lisa's relief, the earlier conversation didn't pop up again.

Waiting for their coffee and hot chocolate, they simply talk about this and that and Lisa found him very clumsy and funny.

"I saw you all when you are laughing hard in an award show" Lisa said as from nowhere as it popped up on her mind.

"Which award show?" V asked, embarrassed and Lisa giggled.

"Might be MAMA"

"Ohh!! That is embarrassing!!" V winced cutely and Lisa giggled at him.

Finally after some minute, their orders arrived and they sipped on their hot chocolate and coffee.

After taking a sip, Lisa licked her lips "yum yum!! It's tasty, sunbaenim! She said and V looked up at her from his cup.

"Is it?" He asked and Lisa nodded.

"Ne, it's really tasty!" She said and offered her hot chocolate to him "sunbaenim, you can have a sip"

"Really? Are you sure?" V asked as he doesn't want her to be uncomfortable around him but Lisa shook her head.

"Of course, sunbaenim!" She said, handing her cup of hot chocolate towards him "Have a sip and have a nice day!"

V Chuckled at her and finally took her cup to have a sip.

"Yummy!!" He said as soon he sipped as it was really tasty. He regret that he didn't order hot chocolate for himself.

"But sorry sunbaenim! I can't share!" Lisa shrugged and took her cup from him,making V laughed.

"You should've share na!" V winced playfully and Lisa rolled her eyes.

"No way!" She said and this time, they both laughed.

They were having a great time together and Lisa felt that she is liking the real V more than the professional one as she knows for ages.

V was far funnier than she thought and she was happy that they were having a good time together.

They were both goofy and Lisa felt comfortable around him finally. Lisa felt that they were knowing each other slowly and as she is getting to know him, she is liking him more. Of course, In a friendly way.

And V's opinion about Lisa?

Well, she has just gained another fanboy.

V has always wondered why his maknae is all over her and now, when he is right in front of her and talking to her in real, he understood everything.

He felt like he could listen to her forever and even never getting bored. He thought that might be yoongi too can listen to her.

She was cute for sure but her personality was something V loved the most apart from her beauty which was breathtaking.

But soon,V was interrupted from his thoughts when Lisa snapped a finger before him.

"Sunbaenim? What are you thinking?" She asked and V shook his head quickly.

"Nothing!" He lied and gave her a boxy smile to which Lisa giggled.

"To be honest, sunbaenim, you look very cute when you smile!" She said and this made V blushed.

"Oh my God!!" He winced jokingly "Don't say that or else your millions of fanboy will come to kill me!!"

"Oh no!!" Lisa giggled and V watched her, smiling.

She was way too cute for anyone in the world and he was quite jealous of her future husband.

"You are so cute lisa-ssi!" V blurted out all of a sudden and he scolded himself of what he says.

"Sorry?" Lisa however smiled "But I think you are more cuter than me, sunbaenim!"

"No way!!" V laughed and Lisa stared at him.

"I'm serious, sunbaenim!" She said and V shrugged.

"But for me, you are the prettiest among the all ladies in the world" He said and Lisa's heart beat almost stop for the moment.

"It's not like that!" Lisa said shyly.

She looked away from him as she doesn't want to show her pinky face from blushing and V at the other side, sat quitely as he wondered what was wrong with him lately.

Before anything get more awkward, V finally break the silence.

"So lisa-ssi, let's get going before these paparazzi step with a camera!" He said and with this comment, Lisa giggled once again, making the awkward atmosphere lively once again.

"Oh ne!" She said "We should be get going then, sunbaenim!"

V smiled at her and they both stood up to leave.

As Lisa walked before him, V wondered if this was the beginning of something beautiful he doesn't know yet of.

Sorry guys, but this time taelice is sailing but don't you worry😪😪 liskook is taking a flight for the show and when it comes **BOoM** it will blow up us!!

Just jungkook have to wait for his turn.

"Good things takes time"❤️🖤

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