Chapter 1

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"What are you doing? You miss me already?" He asked. His gravely voice reminding me of all the mornings together on the island.

"I got tired of the doctors asking me questions about the island and you know you missed me." I responded, closing the door silently behind me.

"(Y/n)." He sighed. 

"I know, what happened on the island stays on the island." I smiled trying to cover my disappointment. 

"The doctors aren't going to be happy." He said avoiding the topic. 

"You're right, I guess I should go back before they think I've been kidnapped or something." I sighed heading for the door. 

"(Y/n)?" He hesitated.

"Yeah, Ollie." I said.

"It's all so different from when we left." He said. 

I walked closer to him looking out the same window his gaze never left.  When I reached his side, I looked closely at the buildings, each one had changed. In five years the city had changed so much that it's barely even recognizable. I felt his arm snake around my waist as he pulled me close. I rested my head on his shoulder. The silence between us slightly comforting. We stood there taking in the new city that surrounded us. There was muffled talking outside the door. I only picked up on pieces of the conversation. It was about Oliver but it was stuff I already knew. The handle on the door started to twist, and Oliver separated from me. Then a new, hushed voice stepped in.

"What do you mean you lost her?" Another voice snapped.

Rushed foot steps left the door. Oliver looked at me smiling.

"Always getting in trouble, (Y/n)." He joked.

"What can I say its what I do." I flashed him a smile a slipped out the door.

I made it back to my room without anyone noticing. I sat down on the bed and made it look as though I never left. Just as I settled in the door flung open. My doctor looked shocked at the fact I was in my bed. 

"Hi Ms.Merlyn, let us know if you need anything." He smiled as he shoot a glare at the doctor behind him. 

My doctor said a few things to the other doctor, as the door closed. I turned my glance to out the window. It still surprised me how much the city changed. I got out of the bed and stood by the window mimicking how I found Oliver. I heard a few voices from behind the door. 

"35% of her body is covered in scar tissue. There are second degree burns on her back. The X-rays show that there are 15 fractures that never healed properly." A man voice explained to someone.

"Has she said anything about what happened?" A different voice asked. The voice oddly familiar, but unknown as well. 

"No, She's barely said anything," The other voice said, "I'd like you to prepare yourself. The (Y/n) you lost might not be the one they found."

There was a brief pause before, the door handle turned and the door slowly opened. I kept my gaze out the window as the person took a few steps into the room. 

"(Y/n)." The voice became instantly recognizable. 

I turned to face him my eyes stinging from suppressed tears. I studied his face, seeing the same person I grew up with. I stepped closer, seeing his eyes start to glisten.

"Tommy." I said as he wrapped me into an embrace. 


I wondered my room, in a bra and pants, looking at every thing. After 5 years everything I used to know now seems unrecognizable. I stopped in front of the full body mirror. I moved my fingers across my scars, a painful memory surfacing with each one. The face I see in the mirror has become a stranger. A knock at the door breaks my thoughts.

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