Chapter 19

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Corbyn's Point of View

The boys and I were at the venue greeting guests and such. 

We weren't able to do it in Washington, but we decided to do it in the clearing. 

"Hey bro," Jordan said, coming up to me.

"Yeah," I said.

"Mom said she and the others are on their way over," my brother said.

I started walking towards were Jeff was standing.

"I wanted to talk to you real quick," he said stopping me.

"Jordan, I have to go," I said.

"Then don't get mad at me when my  date shows up," he said.

I just walked away from my brother. Why would he bring Christina here? To my wedding?

Soon after I got in my place, Daniel was walking Sage down the aisle. Then Christian was walking my sister down the aisle. Then it was Jack and Kora. Jordan and Ava. Jonah and Leilani. Tyler and Sydney. Zach and Melanie. Ryan walked down the aisle holding Roberts hand. And then Isla and Reese were throwing purple rose petals down the aisle before they took their places in front of the bridesmaids.

And then there she was. Looking as beautiful as always. Her hair was up and a veil covering her face. Her arm was linked with Josh's as he walked her down the aisle.

Michele's Point of View

"Thank you Mr. Herron," I said as I linked my arm with his. 

"You're welcome," he said. "Now let's go get you married."

We both laughed a little. We started down the aisle once Isla and Reese were done with the petals. 

I looked over to my friends and sister, smiles covering their faces. Then I looked over to the boys. Smiles covering their faces too.

Then I looked at my soon to be husband. His jaw dropped (I thought of the compliment battle while writing that).

As I got closer to him, I could see the shock in his eyes, along with tears of happiness.

Mr. Herron let go of my arm and I handed my flower to Reese for her to hold. 

3rd Person's Point of View

As Michele looked at Corbyn she just laughed to herself.

"Shut your mouth dope," she said. 

"Oops," he said as he did as he was told and blushed a little.

*Skip To The Vows Cause I'm Lazy Rn*

"Now it is time for the bride and groom to say their vows," Jeff said. "Corbyn." 

"God, I don't know if I start from when we were five or if I start from when we were twenty two," Corbyn said, making everyone laugh. "I mean we have a long history. Michele, you've always been there for through my highs and my lows. You were with even when I was an ass to you. You never turned your back on me. Even after I walked out of your house in high school, you still loved me and missed me. I remember every time you were there for me and loved me and cared for me no matter what. When that truck hit us and you didn't wake up, I was scared that I lost the love of my life for good. I scared I was gonna be alone for the rest of my life, because there's not a single person out there that's like you. Nobody's eyes glisten the way yours do when the moon hits them at just the right angle. Nobody has your special laugh that I love to hear. And nobody has the amount of love for me as you do. That's the most important thing to me. Your love is what I live for. Even when I'm gone, I know you're loving and missing me, but that's what holds me together when I miss you. I love you so much, and I'm glad that today is the day that I am officially yours and you're officially mine."

As he looked into his lovers eyes, he could see the tears forming.

"Michele," Jeff said. 

"Jesus Christ, that was beautiful," Michele said as she whipped away a loose tear. "And long. But that's what I love about you. You try your best to put your love for me into words, even if takes forever. You always do your best to make sure that I know that I'm loved and cared for. You always treat me like a queen even though I'm not a queen. Earlier today when I was getting ready for this moment in time, your mom reminded me of something. When we were in sixth grade it was spring break , and it was cold, wet, and rainy and I was sick of walking around Seattle. We had stopped in front a jewelry store and I saw the necklace I'm wearing now. That was the first day I started fantasizing about this day. That's where I got the idea of this ring from. Your mom said that I couldn't stop looking at you and that my cheeks were flushed a light shade of red. She also said that you thought my cheeks were pink because of the cold. You are my rock and glue. You hold me together and keep me strong. And I hope you'll do the same thing for our little baby that's on it's way."

"Now it is time for the I do's," Jeff said. "The rings?"

Ryan and Robert brought them up. 

"Corbyn, do you take Michele Rae Cross to be your lawfully wedded wife till death do you part," Jeff asked.,

"I do," Corbyn said, placing the ring on her finger. 

"Michele, do you take Corbyn Matthew Besson to be your lawfully wedded husband till death do you part," Jeff asked her.

"I do," she said, placing Corbyn's ring on his finger.

"I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Besson," Jeff said. "You may kiss your bride Mr. Besson."

"I've waited for this moment all day," Corbyn said as he lifted the veil off her face.

"Same here," she managed to saw before their lips met.

As this happened, Ray jokingly stood up with Saskia and kissed her. 

Reese handed Michele's single rose to Sage and covered her eyes, and so did Isla. Then Ryan covered Robert's eyes. 

Everyone laughed at the movement Ray had made.

Boy, was every one happy as can be.

~ ~ ~

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! It was so fun to write! There will be a few more chapters before the next part starts.

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