Chapter 15

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Zach's Point of View

Leilani, Jonah, Sage, Daniel, Kora, and Jack had finally shown up.

"Is Ele going to be okay," Kora asked.

"I don't know," I said. 

I heard crying and saw Claire.

I got on my knees in front of her.

"Zach, are they gonna make it," she asked.

"I hope so," I said.

I didn't make things better.

"Come with me real quick," I said.

Claire followed me outside and we sat on top of my car. It was dark outside and the moon and stars were shining brightly. 

"Every living thing has a star," I said. 

I pointed to the moon that had a circle of star surrounding it.

"When a star goes out, someone had passed away. If a star starts fading, someone isn't going to make it," I said. "By the way, your father would say much better than me. But anyways, the circle of stars surrounding the moon, is you and your siblings and parents. When we went on tour, your father liked to say that you guys were always with because in his words, "Wherever that circle of stars and the moon are, my family is right there." And as you can see, not one of those stars is fading. But there is one trying to appear. Meaning your mom is expecting another little sibling for you. But if those stars aren't fading, it means your parents are going t o make it."

"Why did my dad choose the moon though? There's a clutter of stars everywhere. Why the moon," Claire asked.

"When we were on tour, we'd like to talk about our wives. One time, your father was talking about your birth. He said how the full moon made your mother's eyes glisten. And from then on he wouldn't stop talking about. No one, except for your father, has seen that glisten. And if it was possible for someone else to see the glisten, you father wouldn't let anyone see it because he liked to think it his special thing," I said. 

There was silence until I heard Robert say, "We can go see her."

"You ready to go see your mother," I asked Claire.

"Yeah," she said.

We got off the top of the car and went back into the hospital. 

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