Corbyn's Point of View
I looked over to see her breathing slowing down. There was blood coming from her forehead and cheek.
I pulled myself out of the car and then pulled Michele out.
I collapsed onto the ground with her in my lap.
"Love, please, come on," I begged. "Wake up please. Wake up. Please. Come on."
I heard sirens in the background.
Then there was paramedics taking her away.
"Sir," a paramedic said. "I'm doctor Sarah Bryant. What are your names? She hasn't woken up."
"I-I'm C-Corbyn Besson," I said. "A-And th-that's Mi-Michele C-Cr-Cross."
"Okay. We need you to go in two different ambulences," Dr. Bryant said.
"W-wait, y-you s-said sh-she did-didn't wa-wake u-up," I asked.
"She still hasn't sir," the doctor said.
"C-can I go with her," I asked, the stuttering and shaking in my voice slowing down.
I looked around the crash wasn't bad, but it was bad enough for Michele to not wake up.
"No Mr. Besson, you cannot," Dr. Bryant said. "You can see her after her surgery at the hospital."
"You take good care of her," I said as I was put in another ambulance.
If something bad happened to her, it would be on me.
~ ~ ~
It may not be important to you, but it's hella fucking important to me!Thank you to those of you who have read, voted, and commented on this book!
Ik there's probably not a lot of you reading this book, but to those of you who are, thank you!~Michele

━━ 𝗦𝗣𝗔𝗖𝗘 . 𝗰𝗺𝗯
أدب الهواةWhen old friends reconnect a lot happens. Some are good... And some are sad and heartbreaking. Based on the Corbyn Besson Imagine, Space, written by me.