Chapter 2

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Claire's Point of View

I sat on my bed and looked out the window. 

When my dad wasn't on tour, he would tell me about my birth. He'd say there was a full moon that made my mom's eyes glisten when the angle was just right. He said the moment he held me, he named me after my mom's mom. He told me Aunt Kora and Aunt Sage begged my mom to let them hold me. 

He told me how my mom looked at me and held me after I was born. 

But if she looked at me in such a special way, why was she so difficult to me? 

My grandma burst into my room.

"What do you want," I asked.

"I want you to go apologize to your mother," my grandma said. 

"She's the one who needs to apologize," I said. 

"Do not make me bring your father into this," she said.

"He's not gonna answer," I said. "We've tried calling him, but he's always busy."

"If it old him what I saw tonight when you yelled at your mother he would flip. Before you were born, your father swore to me that he would never let anyone break your mother. But here you are now, breaking her. Your father is your mother's defender and lover."

"Well maybe he should see the way she acts towards me," I grumbled.

"But she doesn't do anything bad. She asked for your help with just the tiniest thing and you giver attitude. You know, you wanted exactly three younger siblings when you were five. They gave you Chance. When you saw that you only got one sibling, you begged them for two more. When Chance was four, you were nine and the gave you another set of siblings. And now, weather you want them or not, you parents are blessing you with another sibling."

"But I put up the pain of having kids when I'm twelve! My mom doesn't do anything! She just sits around and makes me watch my younger siblings."

"But she only asks you watch them so she can have a break. She carried all of you around in her belly for nine months, and giving birth hurts even more. When you're out with your friends or at school, your mother watches three different kids, and takes care of her pregnant body. She can't go to work, so your father works all the time to provide for all of you."

"You're just defending her. Everyone is gaining up on me. The only people that actually care for me are Lavender and Lillie," I said.

My grandma got up and left my room.

When she entered it again, she was on the phone.

"I'm with her right now son," she said. "Of course I'll hand it over to her."

She handed me her phone and said, "It's your dad."

"Claire," my father said.

"What," I asked.

"What do you have to say for your actions," he asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I lied.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about," he said. "The way you treated you mom is not right."

"But she was being rude," I said.

"That is not your mom," my dad said.

"Then maybe you don't know your wife," I snapped.

"Watch your tone of voice," my dad said. 

"Watch your tone of voice," I spoke back.

"Watch it," my dad and grandma said at the same time.

"Fine," I said.

"Now, I want you to go apologize to your mom," he said.

"I'm the one who deserves and apology," I said. "Mom is rude."

"I know your mom. She is a nice, kind, loving soul who loves her children with all her heart and would never treat them with disrespect. She loves you to much to watch you get broken in the ways she got broken."

"Why does everyone say mom is broken? She's perfectly fine?"

I heard my grandma sigh at that.

"When you're older, we'll talk about it. But you need to know that we're not lying. If you keep this act up by Christmas, when I get home, you're not gonna be happy," my dad said.

"Fine," I sighed.

My dad hung up and I gave my grandma back her phone.

"Come downstairs soon and apologize to everyone. But don't wait to long," my grandma said as she left my room. 

Was my dad really coming home in two months?

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