Video #2

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"Lunchtime. The most stressful time of the day for some people. Including me at one point in my life."

It was now a few days later, I have a lunch tray in my hands and I'm walking to where my friends are sitting. Mother only makes me lunch whenever she's not busy, and most of the time, she is.

I learned the ropes of the school within 2 days and now I know where everything is, and the unwritten rules in the book, thanks to Alexa.

"Everybody has lunch at 12, and most people take the time to get out of campus and grab like a slice of pizza or whatever. Nobody wants to eat cafeteria food. Me? I just go to NuNu Salad Bar with my friends." That's what Alexa said.

Adrian and Cassie managed to get a solo table on the second floor of the cafeteria. And yes, my cafeteria has two floors. Talk about fancy.

"Kat!" Cassie called over to me.

I went to Cassie and sat right next to her, Adrian was sitting across from us.

"What's on the menu today?" Adrian examines my food.

"I think this is a hot dog." I picked up the soggy and raw sausage from my tray and wiggled it.

"Ok, first off, why are you ok with eating that? And second, I don't know." Cassie said.

"If I get food poisoning, I can sue the school." I said.

"That's actually...." Adrian wondered.

"Wait, how does your schedule work? I don't understand?" Cassie went into my bag on the seat and grabbed my paper.

The school schedule is very weird. Let me explain my classes to you.

Period 1: Physical Education (Gym) 9-9:30
Period 2: Swim (Pool) 9:35-10:10
Period 3: History (Room 111) 10:15-10:45
Period 4: Japanese (Room 307) 10:50-11:25
Period 5: Gifted Children's Program (Room 303) 11:30-11:55
Period 6: Lunch (Cafeteria) 12-1
Period 7: Math (Room 206) 1:05-2:00
Period 8: Science (Room 225) 2:05-3:00

And you're probably wondering, what is the Gifted Children's Program? Because my IQ is above 140, I take an advanced class and possibly the hardest class in the high school. Where we learn about many topics, and one that the average joe couldn't understand without an explanation. To be honest, me with my knowledge is one thing that I would never boast about. I'm not that cocky of a person.

Instead, they were just thinking.

"There's a third floor?" Cassie was shook.

"I thought it was just for board meetings." Adrian scratched his head.

"Well, Alexa told me that they renovate the school like every year, switching up things like that."

Or at least, maybe because I was asking too many questions, and Alexa told me something to shut me up.

Ok, maybe option 2.

This has been happening ever since I was little, I always relied on my older sister for everything, I even clinged on to her while we were in elementary school together. It was to the point where she had to push me off of her and one time, I fell down the stairs.

"What's up? You got your head in the clouds?" Cassie tapped me on the shoulder.

"No, I'm just thinking about elementary school." I sighed.

"Oh yeah, you went to a private school. In Brockton, right?"

"Yep, Sir Knox Private Elementary School."

That name still gives me chills.

To give a little backstory, when Alexa was in kindergarten, my mother decided to send my sister to Sir Knox and it was probably the worst decision she could've made. Sir Knox was full of snobs and high class children from kindergarten to fifth grade. I unfortunately went there as well.

Alexa loved it there while I hated it. And Alexa made the school a little bit better because I had somebody. Even though I clinged to Alexa all of the time, but that was only for 4 years.

Lunch was often the worst part of the day. Unlike most kids, I loved learning and would rather spend my time in class or in study hall. I was scared of all of the kids, they were all so scary and rude. There were times where I would either skip lunch or just eat in the bathroom instead of facing the other kids and getting made fun of for who knows what.

I struggled with making "friends" until middle school. Yeah, there were people that I spoke to and went over their houses and stuff, but they weren't very memorable and the longest friendship lasted for 4 years. In sixth grade, one of my classmates had parents that owned a special school called "sixth school", a program in Williamstown, Massachusetts. Alexa took the opportunity, but I decided not to. I didn't want to go into another school full of stuck up kids that make me look like I'm not made of money.

"You know, I never told you guys about my life in elementary school, but I'd feel like I would just bore you." I said.

"Trust me, you are not boring at all." Cassie reassures.

"Have any of your teachers told you their life story about how they never knew the difference between a chihuahua and a chinchilla?" Adrian said.


"Good." Adrian said.

"Moments like that would rather make me want to do work, even if it's plane geometry. Plane Geometry! Shapes! I'd rather learn about shapes than listen to my teacher sip his coffee extra loud and then tell the class to not be like him! Mr. Rome. Mr. Jerome Rome. Don't ever wish you had him, Ugh." Cassie complained.

I giggled.

And that's why I love having Adrian and Cassie with me, they mean so much to me. They're not snotty, not self absorbed, and we have each other's backs. We got each other through middle school and we can get through high school as well.

I might not be much of a people person or Ms. Popular like my older sister, but whoever is my family, friend, or somebody I care about from afar, you know I got their back.

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