Video #20

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"Happy Halloween! Today is Candy Day as Adrian and Cassie call it. You probably can't tell, but I love to dress up for Halloween. This year, I decided to be a cowgirl. Adrian and Cassie, well, I don't know what they are going to be. We'll have to find out when we get to school!"

I turn off my camera and go downstairs. I find Alexa in the kitchen.

"You still dress up for school?"

"Yes, because I heard that if you go to other people's classrooms, the teachers will give you candy if you knock on their door and say "Trick or Treat!""

And Alexa started laughing.

"They stopped doing that my sophomore year because nobody dresses up anymore for Halloween! I just wanted to get your hopes up!"

Alexa is a wild card with advice, she'll either help you or say something extra stupid and you have to be dumb enough to believe it. I, unfortunately do.

"But you still dress up." I said back to her.

"I'm too old to trick or treat. I only wear costumes for Halloween parties. That's why Halloween is the best!"

I roll my eyes and we walk to the car and go to School.

At school, most kids weren't dressed up but the kids that were had elaborate costumes. I recognized some faces since Alexa would normally talk about them.

"Jason Yold has no life and makes his life enjoyable by making a fool out of himself." He was dressed as an egg yolk.

"Shania Labuan has a stinky private part. You know what I mean." She was dressed as a dentist.

"And oh my god, don't get me started on Landon Cherrywood. He's the definition of broke as hell!" Landon was a hobo for Halloween. "His costume doesn't surprise me."

Alexa often trash talks about EVERYTHING. It's sometimes entertaining to listen to her go on and on and on, and I can understand because we all need to vent, however, Alexa is almost always venting.

"I gotta go before it looks like I'm your mother walking you into school. Don't die today, I don't want to have that conversation with mom and dad."

Alexa left me and I went to the usual spot to meet my friends.

The day went on, I got some candy and an extra credit point because I'm youthful at heart and I wore a costume. It's too much effort to grow up anyways, why rush your childhood?

After school, Adrian, Cassie, and I were walking to our houses while deciding where we were going to trick or treat. It's either Adrian's development or Cassie's, I life all alone, no neighbors on a small road. Although, my house is "the bomb" for Halloween parties. Alexa would hold a party until Midnight and dress like a lewd version of Alice in Wonderland.

Adrian's houses are better, but we would get less candy since we are over 13, Cassie's development might be more confusing, but nobody trick or treats around there, no matter how old you are, you will get bottomless candy.

To Cassie's it is.

Adrian dressed up like a cat for Halloween while Cassie was a bodyguard.

Before that, we stopped at her house to hang out and do some homework, eat snacks, dinner, and then go on our way for Halloween.

Yes, we (sometimes) do homework for fun.

At around 4:30 and two slices of margarita pizza later, we were on our way, and no we were not drunk, we didn't need to tell the time.

"Let me show you two noobs how to really treat or treat in Linden East." Cassie took us on an adventure of a lifetime as it seemed.

Cassie has lived in her neighborhood her whole life and knew what houses did not accept trick or treaters and what houses gave the biggest (and best) candy bars of all time.

Cassie supplied us with paper bags and a pillowcase each since she says that "2 or more bags are required to go through the whole development".

And even though Cassie might overhype herself at times, she was right.

We went out trick or treating for about 3 hours and we hit the jackpot.

And we had some conversations as well.

"Adrian, do you have a girlfriend yet?" Cassie asked like a little child.

"Nah, not yet."

"What are you waiting for?"

"Dude, I'm only 14. Do people like you expect me to get a girlfriend since I'm a freshmen?"

"You could be part of the freshman-senior stereotypical couple!" Cassie said back.

"I'd look like a make sugar baby."

And I started laughing hysterically.

"You've been quiet lately, Kat. What's up?" Adrian asked.

"I'm hungry." I said.

"Hey, you can eat whatever candy that you want. You could've said that you were hungry in the first place." Cassie suddenly felt bad.

And so, we snacked on candy until we got back to Cassie's house.

When we got home, Cassie's twin brother came out of his room, in his pajamas, looking at us like we just broke into his house.

"You guys wanna play spin the bottle or something? You all are looking hyper as heck."

"No, but we're going to eat more CANDY!" Cassie tipped over all of her candy and spilt it on the floor.

Adrian and I just awkwardly looked at each other and dumped our candy on the floor.

We all traded our candies and had a few laughs. Adrian wondered why I didn't like Rolos. And in response I asked him why he didn't like the matcha flavored Kit Kat's.

"Geez, you're hopeless."

I was enjoying a nice white chocolate bar when Adrian noticed I got a bit of chocolate on my face. He slowly started to come closer to me and he whispered..

"Don't move."

I did not move at all and I felt like I was peering into his blue eyes. Suddenly, a chill developed all over me and I didn't know what was happening. All I could see was Cassie in the corner, smirking at me.

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