Video #8

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"Don't let anybody get in the way of what you like. You like your own things and that's what makes you special. What do I like? This might change, but I love to read and play video games. Ever heard of Smash Ultimate? I'm especially good at that one, maybe in a few years, I'll be rusty. But I am good right now."

I'm playing smash on my switch with Adrian and Cassie. It's often either Adrian or I that wins each round. Cassie just got the game and is still learning the ropes of how it goes. Adrian normally plays as Link, I do Kirby, while Cassie is Isabelle. We let Cassie win one time because she was crying, hey that's what friends do. They let you win because you're sad.

"I'm baby." Cassie said.

I'm in a state of thought.

After my parents had my older sister, when I was conceived, they were hoping more towards me being a boy than a girl. However, they were fine if I was a boy or girl as long as I was healthy. I was born 16 days before my due date, which scared my parents a little bit.

I never felt pressure from my parents to be something that I didn't want to be. I chose to be more tomboyish than my sister. And in all honesty, who would want to play polo on a hot summer day when you could just jump in the fountains to cool off?

I'm in my room in my Autumn House, playing the switch in the bathtub. And no, I am not taking a bath. I just do this from time to time.

We play for hours upon hours until I fall asleep.


I wake up to an alarming scream from my sister. Assuming that today is a new day, I quickly hop out of the bathtub and change my clothes and quickly freshen up.

The car ride was silent, except for Alexa scolding me like a mother would.

"You know that I don't want to be late, you know that! It is 8 in the morning! I missed so much because you decided to sleep in the bathtub. Who the hell sleeps in a bathtub! That must hurt!"

My neck did ache a little bit, as I quickly rub the back part of my neck.

Adrian and Cassie were in class by the time I came in, and I ended up being late. There was also some traffic as well, and I've never seen Alexa run so fast in her life into a school. Quite shocking, actually.

I walked into gym like all was normal and my gym teacher gave me a strange look.

"Mr. Wright, I was in the morning rush traffic this morning, and it caused me to be late. I'm sorry."

He looked at me and sighed.

"I can't blame you. I've got stuck in traffic many many times. I'll let you slide, but don't do it again. And I hope that this won't continue like your older sister, her excuses got stale over time."

"Thank you."

When Alexa was a freshman, she didn't believe in going to gym. She was still in a very dark place at the time and didn't skip gym because she decided that gym wasn't important. After being diagnosed with an eating disorder, she often had anxiety attacks in the bathroom that everybody would make fun of her because she's too fat or too skinny in their eyes. Instead of facing things head on, Alexa would rather hide away than face the music.

I face the music, but I rarely get in any trouble. The one time I got in trouble was in second grade, when one kid was talking too much and the whole class got detention for him alone. And that was one of the only times that I cried.

Ok, I cry a lot, but never in front of others.

After gym, I pull out my phone and see that Adrian and Cassie sent me over 100 texts worrying about me. I sent them a quick text saying that I am ok and well and they responded instantly.

Oh, the traffic sucks but at least you're ok.

lol, you passed out at 8 pm and we could hear you snoring on the other end of the mic, but all is good :)

I meet them at the end of the day at the entrance of the library.

"Library closed due to extensive cleaning."

"Dang, that sucks." Cassie touched the sign.

"What's going on?" I walk to the two of them.

"Library is closed, I heard that a bunch of sophomores decided to do an experiment with soda cans in the library and the ceiling is soaked." Adrian said.

I roll my eyes. Of course people want to ruin nice things. And that was our hangout place too.

"Wait! Do you guys want to get some pizza?" Cassie asked excitedly.

"Yeah, just let me text my mom." I quickly send her a text and she responds with a "yes".

Adrian nodded and we started to head out.

Most people go to "Rue's West End Pizzeria", but the three of us go to "New Bedford House of Pizza" which is quite delicious. We've been going ever since middle school and the employees even know our names.

"Well, if it isn't my favorite freshmen! Kat, Adrian, and Cassie. You guys want a whole pizza or a slice today?"

The man at the counter is Gunther, he used to be on a TV show when he was a kid, but he now makes pizzas.

And sometimes, we get a whole pizza. Not today.

"You guys just write down what you like, and I'll have it hot and ready."

He slid a notepad and we wrote down what we wanted. I like pepperoni the best.

We found a table and chat for a while. However, every time Cassie or I talk about having a dad or a sibling, Adrian seems a little lost. Adrian never grew up with a dad or a sibling, he lives with his mother and grandmother.

When the pizza comes, all of our worries go away and we just dig in to a fresh, hot slice of pizza.

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