Video #56

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"I woke up extra early today for no good reason, so I'm going to talk to you. I know, even if I don't have anything to say to you that's interesting, I hope that you appreciate that I update you even about the littlest things. It's just how I do things, you know?"

After a leisurely morning, I went to school. The same boring day awaited me. Classes, exhaustion, homework, people, you know the deal.

Well, Cassie and I were sitting at the lunch table, Cassie was stuck in another manga, mom packed me lunch today which my stomach needed because I was starting to get stomachaches from the cafeteria food.

That's when Adrian came and he had two black eyes, his face was swollen and red, and he was severely limping.

"Oh my god!" I ran to him as fast as I could and that's when he fainted and fell in my arms.

"Adrian! Adrian! Adrian! Wake up! What happened? Adrian! Adrian! Adrian!"

I touched his cheek. What was once soft was now corse skin and I nearly cried. Cassie noticed and she called the local hospital and within 5 minutes, some paramedics came in the cafeteria and dragged Adrian away.

I was nearly in tears.

"What could have happened?" Cassie asked.

That's when I knew who it was, the Lyon's boys. Maybe either Adrian found them or they found Adrian, but by the looks of Adrian's injuries, it did not end well at all.

If anybody were to worry more about Adrian, it would be his grandmother. Adrian's grandmother always keeps a watchful eye on her grandson and when she gets the call and sees what happened to her grandson, she would break down in tears.

Cassie and I were too shocked to even move, it pained us because we had to see one of our friends get injured like that severely.

We decided that we were going to visit him at the local hospital since that was where he was admitted.

In his room, there was him, his grandmother, and his mother, who is normally a workaholic.

"Adrian! My baby." I could hear the mother say.

The grandmother noticed us and turned around.

"Look, Allison, his friends are here." She said calmly.

Allison turned around and she looked at us.

"Did you come to see him too? What happened? We're you guys there?"

"I saw Adrian limping in the cafeteria, and he fainted right by me. He was very bruised. And I mean very."

I looked over at Adrian, who has slightly recovered, but still looked like he wasn't in a good shape.

"Who could've done something like this? Why would they hurt my son? And what was their reason? What did Adrian even do?"

Allison went to touch her son's hair and all we could do is stay silent.

"Even we don't know that, Ms. Maes."

Allison sighed.

"To be honest, to tell you the truth, there is a reason why Adrian lacks self confidence. He used to have a father, and we were supposed to get engaged, but, I got pregnant with him and then the father died by drowning after getting washed away in a riptide. He never met his father, but he uses his last name as his main last name. He kind of acts like his father, they were both shy and they did not get along with other boys. And I know that boys did this to him because Adrian was always made fun of as a kid, I do not know the reason why, but, moments like this make me realize how much I missed of my son because I was too busy being a workaholic."

She started to cry and the grandmother hugged her.

That's when Adrian's eyes opened and he looked straight at me.

"Can I just have Kat for a moment?"

"Of course, but just for a minute, ok?"

Everybody left and Adrian looked at me.

"I hurt myself because I didn't want you to get creeped out by those Lyons boys. They beat me up and the first thing I could do was go to you and try to tell you, but I'm in a hospital instead. But, I'm glad that you showed up."

I smiled at him.

"You know I will always show up."

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