Video #45

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"Was it technically a date? Would you call it that? Normally, I would ask my parents about something like this, but they would start to get in my business and instigate me over and over again. We didn't kiss or anything like that. Ok, this might sound embarrassing, but I never had my first kiss. When you rewatch this, you are going to cringe so hard."

That night, Adrian walked me home. At times, it was so awkward between the two of us but we've been friends for a while. It's just that our friend group consists of Adrian and I being the more quiet ones while Cassie is the more social and talkative one. She starts all of the discussion and she's kind of our life of the party friend even though she can be a little shy tonight.

He stopped right by my front door.

"You can get in your house, right? Is somebody home?" He asked gently.

"My parents are chilling at home in the basement, having a date night in."

He giggled and looked at me.

"Now i know where you get your homebody self from." he jokedly said and pushed my bangs out of my eyes.

We laughed. "No." I said. "They're just too lazy today to go out for Valentine's Day since they know that every romantic idea they could think of would be packed, so they're just staying home tonight."

Adrian laughed in a calm way. "How cute." He said.

It was awkward between the two of us for a while. That's when a wind started kicking up.

"You should get in your house, it's going to get cold." he started to shiver.

"hey, you can come in, it's ok."

"No, I have to get home, my grandmother would be worried sick right now."

"Oh." I sighed. "Well, I had a great tine with you tonight."

"Me too." he smiled. And he started to leave.

I went inside my house and went up to my room, threw myself on my bed and squealed into a pillow. That's when my phone started ringing. I picked it up and it was Cassie, she wanted to facetime. I put my phone on a charger and a stand very quickly and then accepted her call.

"So, how'd it go?" Cassie said with a smirk.

"Well, it was the first time since we've been alone in a long time. But, I think it went pretty well."

"Did you guys kiss?" She proceeded to do a smooch.

"no, but I just came back. We walked home together."

"OOOOOOOH! Oh my gosh! That is such a huge step! And so romantic, even on valentine's day!" Ugh! You are making me jealous! I wish somebody would treat me like that. And you know it is so obvious that he likes you, right? And, are you being obvious with your liking to him? I think you are, Kat. This is character development! I'm so proud of you!"

There was something that was bugging me, I was worrying about Cassie.

"What do you think about all of this? Don't you like Adrian?"

Cassie went silent for a moment.

"Kat? How many times do I have to tell you? I only liked him in elementary school. For only about a year and that was it. Why? Do you think I would get jealous? No, that's not me. I would never get jealous of a friend. In fact, i'm so glad that you two like each other and to be honest, I'm happy for the two of you. You two really fit each other well. I guess for me, I was way too out there for Adrian because he's just this quiet dude but you are quiet too."

"No hard feelings?"

"Kat, there are no hard feelings at all."

"I'm sorry, it's just that I need constant reassurance and I feel like I can say some stupid stuff."

"As long as you don't have to change for Adrian, then everything will be good. If he makes you change ONE THING about you, I won't hesitate to break his neck because he doesn't love you for you. Because, you know what? As somebody that has fallen HARD for people hundreds of times, I can tell by te way that somebody looks at somebody else thinking that they should change themselves or not. There is actually a phrase that my mother told me. 'If you are a square and he likes rectangles, tell him to turn into a rectangle.' Because you don't deserve somebody that loves you for you."

"Wow, you know more than I thought."

"Hey, everybody needs that ditzy, clumsy, hopeless romantic but loudmouth friend. And that girl is me. So, DON'T EVER hesitate to just give me a ring or text me about a relationship dilemma. I have your back, well not literally but you know ahat I mean."

Then we both started laughing really hard.

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