Video #12

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"Tell me one thing that you regret over the course of your lifetime, future self. You don't have to physically tell me, but give me a moment to tell you mine. I think I regret a lot, but the one time I was framed for something in elementary school and I made the mistake of taking the blame for it. But luckily, my teacher knew it wasn't me. A lesson that I learned, not all things that are bad are your fault, remember that."

It was just like in Elementary School. Today was October 11th. I was in my math class taking a test when somebody's test flies off of their desk. And I look to see who's test flew off of their desk.

There is a set of twins in my class that are most likely the kids of satan. Bernardo and Beatrice Zermano. It is obvious that they clearly do not belong in AP classes, however, they cheat their way into these classes, while making other kids look bad in the process. It's a gamble with AP kids, most are good kids that have a passion to learn while others are well, either power hungry or stuck up. And the Zermano twins are pure evil.

Beatrice's test flew off of her desk and I unfortunately sit right in front of her. I decided to be a good kid and pick it up without looking at it.


God damn it, Bernardo.

Mrs. Lennen sat straight up and marched right to my seat. She is a scary woman, and I had to bite my lip to prevent myself from crying in fear. Walking up to my desk, she looks at my sheet and then looks at Beatrice's from behind.

"I'm going to talk to you two after class, but for now, finish your tests."

She walked back to her desk and Beatrice snickered. I'm in deep trouble now.

Come on, concentrate, Kat. Don't let that snake and bastard combo get to you. You got through elementary school in a private school all alone, and with snakes as well. I bit my lip and finished my test and hoped for the best.

Later, after class, Mrs. Lennen stared the two of us down and I felt my heart sinking.

"I want an explanation of what has been going on between you two. Full honesty, no lies. You two know I don't accept cheating as an excuse for my class."

I could feel Beatrice staring me down and smirking at me, ready for me to take all of the blame in this situation.

Mrs. Lennen looked through our papers.

"Judging by the work that is on both of your papers, I can clarify one thing."

Here it comes. I brace myself as much as I can.

"Turns our that Katherine was not cheating and instead, was only picking up the paper. However, Beatrice's handwriting is sloppy and her work looks rushed like she is copying from somebody else. We do not tolerate academic dishonesty and cheating!"

Beatrice became panicked.

"Your class is so early in the morning, and I always have so much to do everyday." Beatrice just made up  whatever her brain was telling her to do. "Mrs. Lennen, it's only natural that my handwriting looks that bad! It's early and I haven't even had my lunch macchiato yet!"

Mrs. Lennen just rolled her eyes.

"Keep I'm making those excuses, Beatrice and you'll dig yourself into a hole that you could never get out of." She mumbled.

"Hey! I can hear what you are saying! Don't think I'm deaf!"

"That was the point, I wanted you to hear what I was saying, so you could knock some sense into your brain, you are an AP student! Or, are you?"

She got up and stood face to face with Beatrice. But, she gave me a reassuring smile and a "you're dismissed." to me. I just ran away, but kept close to the door, eavesdropping on what's going to happen next.

"Mrs. Lennen, I worked really hard, you don't understand what life is like back home. My family depends on my success and my brother's as well."

"You say that like you are poor, says the kids with Abercrombie and Fitch clothes and their parents that drive a Lexus SUV. To be honest, I knew your uncle and you're no different from him."

"Uncle Matthew?"

"Uncle Matthew, yes. Such a cock head he was."

"Don't talk that way about my family! It's not your personal business!"

"It's not your personal business to cheat, is there?"


"You made a point earlier about how some kids don't have it easy in life. Take Katherine, she isn't wealthy."

I cackled a little.

"Because the AP classes are some of the most strict, you and your brother will be taken out of the program! This proves that you're genius abilities are fake!"

"No! This is all a misunderstanding!"

"I had some discussions with some of your middle school teachers, and they said that you and your brother cheated your way into getting a spot for AP classes. They didn't want to mess with your parents, that's what it is. But now, you're old enough to take responsibility. Learn from your mistakes! Don't repeat them."

"God! You are such a worthless teacher!"

I heard the door open and Beatrice ran away, tears falling from her eyes. All I can do is snicker at her. Karma will either give you good fortune or payback, depends on what good or bad thing you did last.

And yes, I do believe in Karma. Who wouldn't? It kind of predicts your future actions. If you take a cookie without your mother's permission, there could be a cookie famine. Or, if you return somebody's winning lottery ticket, they will remember you as being selfless.

Yeah, people are bad, life is sad, but Karma is a real thing, and I know a thing or two about it.

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