Video #74

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"So, I had the past of the past. The creme brûlée to the creme brûlée. The world is a piece of cake, disguised as a rock. I don't know. Do you think that I sound artsy or something? I don't know. Ugh, personality crisis! Man, I am so cringy. I am so sorry for making you see and hear those things, you're probably laughing or something."

It was May 29th, and that's when Mom called me downstairs at an odd time. Normally, she calls me down for dinner or for something that Alexa did. Instead, she seemed worried and concerned.

"Kat, we need to talk."

"Hey, mom." I went down the stairs and she was in the kitchen.

"Is it true that Dana from elementary school is here is New Bedford? Because if she is, then are you ok? Did she find you and did she hurt you? I will call the principal if she laid a finger on you."

"Mom, I did see her, but she did not lay a finger on me. I would have punched her in the face if she did."

"No, you wouldn't." Mom looked at me.

"I kind of as they say "ended her career" but you know, it's just life and I just do my thing."

"Do you even know what happened to Dana? Like, why she even is that way?"


"Sit down, Kat. I have a lot to tell you."

I say down right by mom and she started talking just a little bit quieter.

"Dana used to be one of the geniuses and possible in the top 5 in the elementary school. She is from Holyoke, a town with a very high crime rate. Her father and mother were murderers, but they pretended to be fashion designers. Dana's parents got arrested when she was 14 and that's when she was pulled into foster care, and everything fell apart. She started doing drugs, self harming, and a lot of bad things that I don't need details on. In a matter of one year, she went from genius and the next big it girl to a delinquent. It hurt me to see how badly she turned out. I knew she bullied you, but I never thought that she was this smart ass girl. She and Alexa used to be friends and such and they would talk here and then but I never knew that she would hurt you until you came home with a black eye. I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you that she would be transferring to your school: I thought that you would forget about her."

"Do you know how many schools she has been to? She said that she got expelled from a whole lot of schools."

"In the span of about a year, she averages about 2 schools a week. From setting the fire alarms off to doing her business in the hallway, how could something happen to such a sweet and innocent girl? Well, she wasn't nice or anything to you or anything, she was not nice at all. She never was.

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