Video #77

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I had no time to make a video this morning because I woke up a little bit later than usual, I just grabbed my film camera and ran to the door.

I even beat Alexa to school, and she actually spoke to me.

"What's with you and being so in a rush?"

Unlike you, Alexa, I have priorities and potential with all of my classes, no offense but it must be said.

I went into my 3rd period class due to the gyms and swim classes being canceled due to some scandals and dilemmas between some dudes or something like that. I don't really know and I don't really care.

So, if you have gym and/or swim, you go to the first class that is not a gym or swim class. Which of course, is my History class.

Even the teacher was startled that I came in early.

"Kat! You're here extra early."

And then she realized.

"Ohhhhh, you have gym and swim class, that's why you are here. Well, I know that you are a good kid, so I'll let you read a book or if your want, you can take notes of my lectures if you want."

I just took a seat at the back of the class and took out my current read, a horror novel called "Monster Inside Me", about a man that swallowed the forbidden food and not only does he change physically, but he has another alter ego.

It was about the time that second period was about to end....

"Katherine Richardsons, please report to the principals office."

The teacher gave me a paranoid look and mouthed "what did you do?"

I mouthed back "I don't know."

She gave me a nod that meant good luck and I took my stuff to the principals office.

At the principal's office, I found our principal, who was a young but stoic man look at me straight in the eye.

"So, I'm sure that you know what a valedictorian is, right?"

I nodded.

"And you know that we normally only acknowledge the senior valedictorian?"

I nodded.

"I'm not sure if you are one of those kids that constantly looks at your ranking and wants to be at the top, either way, I hope that I did not hurt your feelings."

"I just do my work and put my best foot forward."

He smiled a little.

"Well, did you know that you are the valedictorian for the class of 2022?"

I went blank.

"Wait, really?"

"Do you remember the last rank that you were in?"

"I think 6th in my class."

"I'm impressed on how you kept on raising up in ranks."

"I just do what I do."

"Ok, but for real, are you ok? You can honestly tell me if you are cheating on stuff or not?"

"Mr. Principal, there is no way that I would ever cheat on anything. I think that just for me, knowledge comes to me easy and I can tell when a certain topic is important or not."

"I see. Do you know your personality type off of the bat? Remember when you had to take the Myer's Brigg personality test?"

"I think I am an INTJ?"

"Interesting. The previous valediction was an INTP, which is considered the most genius of the personality types, but we are stunned by the fact that your personality is very you and how far it got you. So, as a reward from us to you, in July, you will be attending a fancy dinner, for all of the freshman valedictions all across Massachusetts."

"Thank you so much."

I nodded and left.

Wow a dinner for all the valedictorians all around Massachusetts? I think I might have some competition. No no no no no, not that that kind of competition.

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