Video #24

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I blow my nose into a tissue and feel something slide from my leg. It's cold and I look down.

Oh lord. It's blood.

I look on my sheet and even though it's black, you can see red on the sheets.

I scream and freak out before running down two flights of stairs. It's a Saturday morning and Mom and Dad are home with no business trips.

I forgot that they were home.

And little did I know that I was the cause for a trail of blood to appear on the black tiles.

"Mom!!!" I clenched on to her.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Mom held my hand.

"I'm bleeding!!!!!!!"

"What do you-..."

I saw her looking at the blood pile that my blood maker made and dad nearly chocked on his coffee.

"Oh dear. It's bad, Kat."

"I know."

"And let me guess, you had to sneeze?"


Dad wasn't talking but he giggled a little.

"What's so funny, dad?"

"This actually reminds me of Aunt Adrianna. She did this the first time that she got her period. She acted the same way that you did. She was only 12, but she ran down the stairs and was talking to mom like you were. Most fathers hate talking about their periods to their daughters or the other way around, but everybody has their time of the month."

Mom's eyes averted towards him like he was an idiot.

"Not that time of the month when you have a mood swing or a mid life crisis, Randy."

"You know what I mean. Men don't have periods. We have IMS instead."

"What is IMS?" I asked my dad.

"Irritable men syndrome. It's like the period without the bleeding."

I buried my head into mom and started to cry all of a sudden.

"Mom, I'm sorry that I started bleeding like crazy like this. Please don't hate me."

"Hey, it's better that you are an Adrianna than a Mariana." Mom comforted me.

Now, you're probably confused on what being a Mariana means. Being a Mariana means that you are being a brat and a female dog. Mom and Dad inspired this on a high school bully named Mariana Felipe. According to her Facebook posts and mom and dad, she went from a perky but snotty high school girl who was quite thin into an overweight mother of 5 kids and a husband that doesn't stay with her or her family for more than a year at a time. Mom and Dad will warn Alexa about being a Mariana, but we don't need an explanation for that one.

Suddenly, we heard a scream from upstairs and it sounded like Alexa. She must've found the blood.


Well, not really.

She hurried down the stairs while following the trail and saw all of us, gathered at the table. She noticed the massive red spot on my navy blue pajama bottoms.

"Kat, what the heck did you do? Did you put a sword through your v v?"

I gasped.

"No, I sneezed."

"How overdramatic. Jesus, get some maids in here or something, this place looks like a crime scene." Alexa went back upstairs to her room.

I rolled my eyes. Alexa is going to lock herself in her room until she hears a mop or the cleaning service pull up. Then she'll be Ms. Hostess and offer them tea or coffee. She loves hospitality people, and she'll act like their best friend when in reality, they never come because mom and dad want us to work hard.

Another instance on why Alexa's spoiled.

Ok, this story should be about me, why is the focus suddenly shifting to Alexa? Oh, she would adore all of the attention Anyways...

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