Video #17

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"It's hard to lose someone that you care for. A family member, a pet, or even a friend. I lost a friend. I really did. He didn't deserve to end his suffering. But, I didn't know what to do. In the end, I did nothing and let him suffer. I'm a terrible person. And to Dez in heaven, I'm sorry."

Today is Saturday, and I slept in extra late. My family is going on a business trip to Ireland. However, they decided after how I was over the night that they would NOT be bringing me on vacation with them. They say it's for my personal good, and that I won't be overwhelmed with everything. Even Alexa felt terrible for everything that's been happening.

As I'm doing some homework late into the night, I hear a knock on my door. How can I hear it from 3 floors down? Easy. Technology. You can hear knocks in the Autumn House. It's not good on Thanksgiving.... because all you hear is

knock knock knock knock knock knock.

I hear the knocks and go down 2 flights of stairs before opening the door.

Adrian and Cassie were at my front door with a small round cake.

"Hey." Adrian finally broke the silence.

"Hey." I said back.

It was silent for a little bit.

"Come on in, you guys are going to catch a cold if you stand out here for too long."

They nodded and they both came in.

Adrian and Cassie, even though they are my closest friends, they still aren't used to the house change. I'm pretty much used to it. They stare at the whole house in awe.

"I forgot that this house used to be a hotel." Cassie looked around.

"Yeah, me too." Adrian agreed.

I lead them to the kitchen area and they sit the cake down on the countertop. It was a chocolate cake with flowers decorating the top when I went to examine it more. I grabbed a cake knife and started cutting a piece of cake for everyone.

"Hey, you don't have to do that, Kat." Cassie tried to stop me.

"No, I got this. You are my guests and I should serve you guys."

The two of them were confused at my gesture, but they agreed with it in the end. Even though the two of them are very polite, they would never turn down free hospitality. I mean, who wouldn't?

I slid them down a piece of cake with a fork on the top.

"Wow, how'd you get so good at cutting cake like this? It's a perfect triangle!" Cassie complimented me.

"I always helped my mom and dad cuts cakes whenever it was somebody's birthday or for a holiday. Also because I love food." I giggle.

"Oh yeah, speaking of your parents. Where are they?" Adrian asked.

"My parents and my sister are in Ireland right now. They decided that due to my emotional condition, that I should not go. It would be less stressful on me, and I would be less overwhelmed."


"Wait, I never asked this before, but you're lonely here? By yourself?" Cassie was worried.

"My family doesn't often intervene with my interests or studies. All of them are busy people. As their youngest, I don't have much to really do."

"What do you mean?" Adrian became extra curious.

"I wish that I could live a much more modest life. Yes, I have everything that I ever wanted. But if anything happens to my family and we lose all of our money, I don't want to become a brat and become attached to material things. Obviously, my sister would be a wreck and feel as if she is an embarrassment to the society of wealthy people." I take the knife out of the cake and bring it to the sink.

The conversation was pretty awkward, I know that they didn't want to talk about Detroit, that was the reason why they came.

"Wait, is your family has no butlers or maids whatsoever?" Cassie asked.

"They believe that butlers and maids will make us lazier. As parents, they wanted us to live a modest life with only one main difference. That's why I always shop at local stores, and Kohl's. We only use a cleaning service for the summer house whenever we are not using it. I actually like living modestly. My own parents think I'm too humble at times, but trust me, they've been through a lot more than me. They sacrificed a lot over their lives to make their children live a better life than they did."

"Are your parents pushovers? They let Alexa get away with so much." Cassie wondered.

"They only let Alexa off the hook because she had so many scares over the course of her life."

"Do they ever let you off the hook?" Adrian asked.

"I never really get in trouble. But, if you get in trouble, they can get scary. It happens with Alexa, so I don't get in trouble. What about you guys? I feel like I'm talking too much about myself."

I hate when too many questions are asked about me. I'm scared of being thought as conceited.

"My parents are a little bit nosy of my twin brother and I. They always keep an eye on our grades and refuse to let us get anything below a C. Other than that, they applaud us for good actions." Cassie said.

"My mother is never really up to date on much. She always kisses me good night and believe it or not, in her busy days, she'll sometimes read me a bedtime story. But, she often works overnight at her job. I really feel bad for her, but she chose to live like that. I wish I could help, but I'm only 14." Adrian confessed.

Both of my friends live on the opposite sides of the spectrum of life. Cassie lives on the poorer side of town, but lives nicely and has a family while Adrian lives on the other side in a nice house, but he only has his mother and grandmother with him.

Not everyone has a "perfect" life like they say that I do. Some people don't have a not of money, but others live with with one parent, a grandparents, or maybe with two moms or two dads. Everybody's family is different.

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