Video #31

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"Sometimes, I wonder what will be in store for me. As in, 15 years, when I'm 30 years old. What will I do? Probably run Broïsé like my parents want me to. But, what if I could do more? Yeah, not refuse to take over the business, but be known more than a businesswoman. A writer, an astronaut, an artist, heck who knows? I have the resources to get plenty of degrees, but do I have the time and effort to do that? Yes, yes I do."

While I'm flying to Alaska, I (unfortunately) got paired up with Alexa. Even on the flight, she was "sleeping" and started kicking me whenever I tried to film or listen to music.

"Shut up."

She elbowed me so hard.

This is going to be the longest 7 hours of my life.

I started to go into deep thought. My mind took me back to kindergarten when the teacher would ask the children in my class what they wanted to be. Of course, you only knew doctors, firefighters, and part time workers. What can they know? Even then, we were only 6.

My life has been chosen for me ever since I was about 7 or 8. Originally, Alexa was supposed to become the CEO of Broïsé. However, uh..... we all know what would happen if we let her touch the company's money. Parties, handbags, the world's largest closet, bankruptcy, you get it.

No, it's not actually that. Did you really think I was serious when I said that?

Mom and Dad always let us live normal lives, but of course, they focused on grades and academic behavior more than actual smarts. Alexa was average, while I was praised for being considered a genius and a prodigy.I will not fully blame my parents for separating us, but they definitely did not plan it out well. Coming from their 15 year old daughter, you should probably tell me to respect my parents. Now, listen to me. I am not saying that my parents raised my sister and i wrong, but they definitely did not plan it well. Kind of like a shift in brains, am I right?

And don't ask me what the heck happened to Alexa. Even I don't know the answer. Maybe it's all those 1990's-2000's high school chick films with rich girls crashing their Mercedes-Benz into a tree and crying for their dad to pick them up.  But one thing is true, the money that our family has 100% got to Alexa's head. It's sad because if you take away all our money, you would never know the true Alexa, only the spoiled and bratty versions of her.

And yes, Alexa had said several times to my face that I should've not been her younger sister and how I should look and act just like her. Ummmmm, about that.

Just as i was stuck in a daydream....

"How are my two favorite daughters doing?"

It was my father. he went to say hi to us as he was walking from the bathroom.

I tried to make a signal to him that I hated sitting by Alexa, but Alexa noticed and tried to choke me by the neck.

"Alexa Opal! What the hell!"

Talk about delayed reactions, dad.

"Why'd you pair me with this smelly hobo? I told YOU and MOM that I want my own row and I want to be alone! She's getting in the way of my meditation time! Dad! Why aren't you doing anything about this?"

My dad sighed.

"Because Kat is clearly not doing anything to you."


"Jeez-us, how old are you?"


"Then stop acting like this. I don't think you could last with your mother's side of the family."

"EWWWWW! I hate the Vans!"


My dad left. Alexa started to death glare at me.

"This is all your fault. I hate you."

"The feeling is mutual."

No, I don't actually hate Alexa, i just wanted to tick her off some more. I am a bad little sister, right? Guess so. But, Alexa always acts like the little sister, and I'm far more emotionally mature than she'll probably ever be.

Always on planes, I take the window seat. Alexa separates a bag in between us and she takes the end seat. Because "jumping over people to pee" is so unclassy and rude. She will also max out her credit card to tip the flight attendants like "hey, you exist and you're pretty. Here's $5,000." That's probably the nicest thing that she ever has done.

The one reason why spending all of your money would be great.

But jeez, all the lies that she said to all the flight attendants when she was younger.

"My daddy runs a modeling agency and you seem pretty enough to be a model."

"You should be a secretary at my dad's company."

"You're prettier than my mom. You should be my mom. She's a bitch."

And she said all of these things. in. front. of. my. own. parents.

She never really learned to shut her mouth.

She can't keep a secret but she can stay loyal to her boyfriend. That really boggles me.

But what do I know? I'm only her younger sister, the one that she always picks on, fat shames, calling me ugly everyday, I'm just an ugly duck in her eyes.

But I feel like she's hiding something. Who is she really? As her younger sister that she absolutely wishes wasn't alive, I'm going to find out the truth on my older sister.

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