Video #44

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"Happy Valentine's Day. I don't really celebrate the day but that's ok. I mean, I'm the only one in my house that does not because I'm a lonely person. Just kidding. You want to know what everybody's doing? Mom and Dad are staying in and they are watching a movie. And, Alexa is currently sleeping over at Chance's house and she told me that they are going to a ball. I didn't know balls existed still but that would be fun to go to. And me? I just might go out with friends today, I'm not a person who makes a big deal out of Valentine's Day."

Yes, I had plans today. I was going to Simpler Pleasures, a restaurant in town with Cassie and Adrian. But lately, Cassie has been absent from school and then we realized that she caught a flu.

It's just the two of you for dinner tonight. I can't make it and I'm basically bedridden whole fighting an ear infection and doing 2 hours worth of homework. So, you two, have a good time and don't do anything that I wouldn't do ;)

It's not typical of Cassie to get sick or cancel plans, but those two things are inevitable.

So, i guess it's just Adrian and I..... how fun.... shehdijdhsfansisg audbjsushsvsh aidbhshs. Susvjsusb aubsjsu.

Ok, I just screamed in my head, nothing to worry about.

Adrian and I were set to meet up at Simpler Pleasures at 5 o clock and go upstairs to the restaurant section and originally, the three of us were going to order bottomless fries and vent to each other about how much we hate our lives. Instead, it's Adrian and I. Oooooh, how fun.

So for today, I tried a little harder on my hair (just a teeny tiny bit by making my bangs loom less messy) and just wore some decent looking clothes for once. Still Casual, but Business Casual.

"Do you need a ride?" My mom asked before I left the house.

"Nah, I can walk it, mom. I got it."

"Please don't freeze out there. And have a good time with your friends!" She waved to me as I was walking down the street and slowly heading into town.

I always preferred walking over driving in a car. You want to know why? Whenever I'm nervous, I can just walk all of my nervous energy out and not feel as bad as I did, I mean yeah, I'll be nervous still, but at least I have motivation to keep going and walk that extra mile.

I arrive at Simpler Pleasures a little earlier than usual, but I see Adrian waiting for me. Oh gosh, I can feel my body getting warm already.

"Hey." I playfully poked his shoulder.

"Hey Kat. Well, I guess it's just the two of us. Not Cassie and her chaotic antics. Just the two of us. Anyways, we should go inside, it's only going to get even colder form here." His voice sounded dreamy but it still sounded like the usual Adrian.

He went and opened the door for me.

"Adrian, you don't have to."

"Please, I'm a guy with manners. It's the least I can do."

Adrian normally isn't like this, he seems more like a man and less of an Adrian, but I guess he's probably playing by the crowd, it's a habit that he does.

When we walked up to the 2nd floor of Simpler Pleasures, a waitress was there to greet us.

"Awww! It's a young couple! Oh shoot, I mean... Welcome to Simpler Pleasures, is this just a party of two?"

We nodded.

"Perfect! I have just the seat for you two!"

We followed her and she gave us a spot in the corner. It wasn't very romantic there, but we weren't really considered a couple either so that does not really matter.

She slid us down some menus and started to explain the specials that they had. Lovers dinners, boom boom bust, hush and kiss, and many more. We decided to order two of the Single Person's Binge which was tiny sample servings of every meal in the day including dessert. I got a little bacon and eggs, stuffed mushrooms, country fried steak and for dessert, a slope side cider.

While Adrian got French toast, tomato bisque, Duck in Pastry, and a strawberry salad.

"Imagine Cassie looking at the menu and being like to the waitress "can I have one of everything for free?" Or "do you guys have samples?"

I laughed.

"Cassie definitely eats good, and she's not picky."

We placed our order and then we chat for a while. It's been such a long time since Adrian and I hung out one and one. Probably not since 6th or 7th grade. All I remember was that it was always the three of us, always.

"Hey Kat, I always noticed that you were very down lately and I just wanted to say that if you ever have any problems whatsoever, I am here for you and Cassie is too."

"I'm not really sad, I'm just a little stressed about things."

"Hey, I totally understand. I'm just saying, if you ever feel like anything and I mean ANYTHING is bothering you, let me know. I'll take care of it."

Adrian normally doesn't talk this way, this is kind of strange. But, I just go along.

"Seeing all these couples on Valentine's Day, does it make you want to date? Or what do you think about Valentine's Day?" I asked him.

"I never ever dated anybody and seeing from others, I'm scared that they'll leave me. No way would I ever rush into a relationship, especially if the girl or guy that I like isn't ready to date yet. And you know what? That's ok because the truth is, will you not tell anybody, Kat?"

"Of course."

"Pinky promise?"

We pinky promised.

"Go ahead, you can tell me."

He took and deep breath.

"I'm a chicken when it comes to love. I'm serious, I'm that bad, and so I say "I'm not ready for a relationship yet" in it's place."

I nodded.

"I'm just waiting for the right person and who know when it will come? But for now, I'm just living my life."

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