Video #34

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"Christmas season is coming, and you know what that means? We get to switch houses! It is currently the first day of winter, and we should start going just as I wrap up this video with you! To give you some context, the winter house is my second favorite house and the summer house is my favorite. Oh! Look at the time, I should be going now, until next time!"

"KAT! WE'RE GONNA LEAVE WITHOUT YOU!" I could hear my sister bark from 2 floors down,

I grabbed my camera stuff and ran down the stairs as fast as I could and met my parents at the front door.

"What is with you and making those stupid videos?" Alexa rudely asked me.

"Alexa! Let your little sister have some creative fun! She's making a few short videos so that when she grows up, she can watch them!" Mom scolded Alexa.

"Whatever, I just think that it's weird that you do them EVERY SINGLE DAY. Doesn't it get boring to listen to yourself talk?"

"Doesn't it get annoying when you complain about everything?" I said back to her.

"Ok girls, now's not the time to fight. We have to go." My dad came from down the stairs and pulled out his keys to his car. We all followed suit and this time, we were just meeting my grandparents at the Winter House. Since the flu season is here, my mother didn't want to risk them getting sick and thus, we're meeting them at their place.

I sat behind my dad and started looking out the window. I know whenever there is a trip, my mother would most likely rather be looking out a window than socializing with my family. Which can be understandable because of Alexa who won't stop complaining and bragging and well, being a b word.

"Why is it so quiet?" Alexa screamed.

"Shh, dad's trying to focus on the road. You know how the roads get when winter comes in Massachusetts."

"Winter Winter Winter Winter, that's all what Massachusetts is known for." She mocked.

To be honest, my sister doesn't know that Massachusetts is ranked #1 in education and people here are quite successful. Alexa definitely wants to move south, probably to New York or New Jersey or somewhere like that. Although her favorite season is fall, she absolutely hates winter because it takes time away from the beauty of fall. Not saying that she's wrong, fall is beautiful and all, but sometimes, it feels like it drags.

Summer is my favorite season and it goes by so fast for me. In the summer, you're always outside. I'm a little bit of a mature person if I say so myself. I like to hike, camp, swim, run, dance, jump, and enjoy a picnic in the shade in the summertime. Spring is pretty, and it's nice and warm. I already spoke about fall. And Winter can be peaceful and tranquil at times, as long as there is snow and a fireplace and a good book, you will know where I'm at.

We arrive at the house and mom runs to greet her parents, who have been waiting on the front porch.

"We've been waiting for you guys for two hours!" My grandfather said.

"Dad! You should've stayed inside to wait!"

"It was your mother's idea!"

"Hey! I just told you that you can't be sleeping around today and I was telling you to move it!"

The two of them were bickering just as all of us got our stuff out from the car. Mom was mumbling under her breath.

"They do this every year. Every single year."

I looked at them, and now they were bickering to each other. Grandmother ended up taking my grandfather's hand, yelled bye, and they went in their car.

The first thing that I did when we went into the house was go into my room. It's a pretty small room, but with a bed that I can just literally roll in and a computer right near by, I feel like I'm in heaven. Also, it's on the other side of my sister so I don't have to hear her bicker.

I took out my camera and started twirling around the room.

"We're finally in the winter house, and this is my room. Isn't it nice? I like it because it has everything that I want in a room and more. Hey, it's a pleasure to have a desktop in your room, then you don't have to sneak at night to order something or play random flash games!"

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