Video #37

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"Just as the year is coming to an end, it's been a weird freshman year. 2018 is ending and 2019 will begin. I don't know what I'm going to do, but I forgot to tell you one thing. The last days of the year, we spend in Canada. First at the Festive House and then to the Midnight House on an island called Petit Columbier."

A boat ride from Happy Valley Goose Bay to Petit Columbier is where we go now on our next adventure. Our family loves to travel, and we do this every year. The surprising thing is that Alexa actually likes going in the cold even though she prefers warmer climates. As long as you are her professional photographer, that's great.

All of our parents have Instagram, my mom is Instagram famous with a following of 50k, my dad is 10k, Alexa is 2500, and I have only about 500 followers. Dad posts business related pictures and advertises his own sun company and products. Mom does modeling gigs and posts once a month, Alexa posts at least twice a month, and I post whatever. Normally, it's edits and videos that I made, I'm not very much of a picture person (I'm sure you could tell) Sometimes, pictures can make you look awkward while videos show you in motion. I do videos of myself with a film camera or my phone.

My most recent picture was taken the 26th with the caption "say cheese" and a Polaroid. In my posts, I don't really show my face. I don't like my face.

Anyways, on New Years Eve, my parents goes to our New Years House for New Years Eve and Day. Normally, it's just our immediate family, but this year with the permission of their parents, Adrian and Cassie are coming! On a plane together, that will be interesting.

After a long day of traveling and setting up, Alexa decided to break the news that she invited 20 people with her, and she paid for their flights.

"Yeah, I put them in economy."

Dad facepalmed and mom almost screamed at Alexa. But when that was happening, Adrian and Cassie came to the front door.

I saw them and hugged them.


"Ugh! Being on that plane was so hard! I almost threw up, twice. Speaking of which, I have to use the bathroom."

Cassie ran to the bathroom and it was just Adrian and I.

"It's nice that your here, Adrian. And where's Cassie at?" My mother said from across the room.

"She had to use the bathroom." Adrian said and that's when Cassie came out.

"Woohoo! I'm ready to party!"

"You know, you two are my favorite friends between my daughters because you are so nice and you know what? You guys can do whatever you want." My mom said in a very chill tone.

We got excited and we went in the backyard.

I checked the time and it was 9:13pm, at home it would be 2 hours before. Oh well, guess there are some things that can't be helped.

Adrian, Cassie, and I looked at the house. It was the shape of a triangle with glass walls everywhere. It could be climbable, if you could do it and you had the gut to do it.

"You wanna climb up there?" Adrian asked.

Cassie started to run up the windows and Adrian and I looked up at each other and sighed. That's when we followed her up. Adrian nearly slipped.


"Adrian, why'd you think this was a good idea?" Cassie screeched.


I grabbed Adrian's hands and the first thing that I felt was his warm hands against my cold hands. I felt hot and started to turn red. By that time, we were on the top of the roof and we felt like we were on top of the world.

That's when we looked down and heard many voices at the front door, complaining and what not.

Those must have been Alexa's friends.

You hear the door open and Alexa's cheerful voice from under.

"Welcome! How was the ride? I'm so glad that you all could make it!"

I laughed because this is not the usual Alexa.

As it was just the three of us on the roof, and the top being 1 foot width wise on a cold night in northeastern Canada. We were freezing and bored.

"What are we doing now?"

There was some music playing from the house so we danced. It was just the three of us and we had no space. We all have different dance styles, I can be stiff, Adrian can be creative, and Cassie is all over the place. It describes our personalities (kind of I guess)

And then we started talking about random things and theories.

"The point of a diet is so weird because you need food for energy and you burn energy when you work out, so basically, going on a diet pushes you to the limits and especially the extreme diets, like you eat 300 calories and then work out for 2 hours straight."

"You see other people and they see the same thing as you in their eyes, but you can't see yourself. But, if you did, would it be like a camera following you the whole time?"

Throughout the night, Adrian and I constantly glanced at each and we got so red everytime we saw each other, like fire hydrant red.

You could even hear the radio and the speakers blasting the final seconds of the year.

"5! 4! 3! 2! 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

At that time, Adrian and I were near each other, we were so close to each other, our lips seemed like they were about to touch.

Until, Cassie startled me with a hug from the back and I started to tumble down the window.


They both screamed and grabbed my hands.

What a way to start the new year, by me falling off the roof.

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