Video #33

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"AAAAAGH! I forgot to buy Christmas presents! Oh no! And it's December 17th! Ugh! Why does this have to happen to me and why do i forget these things! Somebody tell me! Please, somebody let me know why I can forget a family tradition! Well, let's hope that the online stores can come in clutch and pray that for once, one day delivery works!"

It is currently 3am and I am about to panic. Ok, you don't have any context on what I am saying, do you? No, you don't. Every year, my family buys each other Christmas presents, but we make it like it's from another country. For example, mom could do the north pole and dad would do Germany. We have a little story in our family that when you are born, you are assigned a pen pal at birth that gives you christmas presents from their home country. Mine is from Russia. Apparently, this was created by my aunt Kirsten and Uncle Frank after they found "Made in China" on their gifts when they were 4. Thus, created the Christmas Pen Pal.

We also made lists and put them on the fridge and we have colors that we underline what we want from who. We all know that our pen pal doesn't exist in real life, but it's fun to see

To Kat, from Katerina Antonov with love from Russia.

On the official colors, my dad is orange, my mom is lilac, my sister is periwinkle, and I am brown. They are all our favorite colors, make fun of me because my favorite color is brown. I'm surprised you're not making fun of my dad who's favorite color is orange.

I grab my credit card from under a stack of papers and go on to amazon and many other sites, with copies of what everybody wants, printed in color of course because i would have a literal stroke if they were printed in black or white. Hey, you never know if mom or Alexa wanted a new brush. Same day delivery, same day delivery. That's what I want, Christmas Eve the latest because one never knows if Dad could have forgotten as well, maybe i get that trait from him.

Let's see, who wants what?

Dad wants me to get him an "I love MA" mug, a brown personalized teddy bear with my name on it (how sweet), our favorite brand and type of coffee (Oak Forest Extra Creamy #9606), and a sports kit.

Mom wants a new cutting board, a personal perfume set from Eau de Inc., Dark and white chocolates in a box from her favorite chocolate place (Chocolatey Czekolada) which is chocolate from Poland, and it's rich in well, chocolate. No, I'm serious. Sometimes, I take some of her chocolates and I can imagine the rich taste of bitter and sweet in a small sweet chocolate square. Don't tell her I take her chocolates, I blame it on my dad. Shhhh, don't tell her that it's me that takes her chocolates XD.

And Alexa, sigh. Of course she wants the most expensive things that could be bought with money. Let's see.... a pink Diamond phone case (REAL DIAMOND) of course, a mirror, and that new multi pack of eyeshadow from multiple beauty gurus. Looking at her list, I am surprised. I wouldn't think that Alexa would buy breath gurus from California's things and stuff. The more you know that is.

Isn't online shopping at 3 in the morning delightful? Also the weather makes you want to buy every blanket ever made and wrap it up and become the blanket monster because you are so cold.

But actually, to whoever is reading this, you're not cold, you're hot.

Yes, I can come up with some flirts too.

Well, it's going to be a long night for me. So, I'll update you whenever I order all these presents. Hope the same day delivery works.

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