Video #73

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"You know there is one thing that I learned is definite in life, one person that you probably saw once in your life or played a minor role will come back into your life and then come back and change your life forever or at least for that time. It's very common with most people and their crushes, like one day, a random stranger could become your next infatuation or something like that."

It was nearing the end of May and there was some gossip going around the halls today.

"So, I heard that this new girl that got held back 3 times is coming to our high school!"

"Wasn't she considered a genius? How did she get held back?"

"Beats me. All I know is that she is considered trouble. And trust me, we do not need another troublemaker in this school."

That's what I heard while walking down the halls. 

When suddenly, I bumped into this little 5 foot tall girl and I went into a shock.

I knew who that was.

Her name is Dana Liverson, and we used to be in the same grade together back in private school.

At the time, she was very tall and used to pull my hair and even shoved me into a locker once because "I fit in there and she liked it."

"What are you doing here? Pussy, Kat."

"The question is what are YOU doing here?" I said back to her.

"why does it matter to you? Why should I tell you my personal business?"

"Dude, you just asked what I'm doing here. don't play me like that."

"Ha, I guess you never change. Not even a single bit. You're still the same old lame boring ass Kat. And that's why nobody liked you in Elementary school and you had no friends."

I'll admit, that got to me a little bit.

"Aww, wah wah, baby Kat is about to cry. Wah wah!" She imitated a baby crying and I just put my hand up to her.

"Let's make this short and sweet. Tell me the exact reason why you are here, in my hometown, and in my school."

"Ooh, you're so scary now that you claim schools. Very non traditional." I could feel the sarcasm rolling off of her tongue. "We all knew that you were too scared to leave your big sissy side because you were so scared of the world and she even got sick of you constantly being around her."

" look I'm just saying that this is my hometown and didn't you live like four hours away? Why are you here in New Bedford? You could literally be in Boston at North Adams or another town like that maybe even Holyoke."

"Funny to say that my hometown is actually Holyoke. Let's just say that I got expelled from most schools in Massachusetts and this is the last one that I am going to before my parents are moving me to a different state to go try and finish my education."

"What even happened to you when we were little you were three grades ahead of me and you were friends with my sister and you were considered this genius of a girl too smart for your age? What  happened? I don't want to get too personal because then, you'll probably fight me but you could say it or you could not either way I don't care."

"What kind of approach is that to problems?"

"Says one of the girls that lived in the sketchiest town in our state."

"At least I had some distance on me unlike your sister and you. The two of you were so poor, that you two drove to school, and your mother had to pick you guys up every day."

"You know, it was always messed up as how you saw where you lived as a threat or something. What did they do to you? Did that town beat your high school's basketball team in like 1997 or something?"

"No, we just had brains and we hated people that lived nearby because obviously, their parents loved them."

"What point are you even proving?"

"You little-..."

I just brushed her off and walked to class, unbothered. People can think what they want and if the person has something that they want to say about me they could just write it in a journal and then burn the journal when they read it and then they'll feel bad.

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