53. Rose Granger-Weasley

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SONG: pink skies by LANY

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ugglebornwitch Rose, my only daughter. You sweetheart have proved to me that it's not all about books and learning. It's about experiences and memories, you my darling is living the life of something I thought I would have experienced. Well not the parties and drunk nights but you know what I mean. Rose, I know I put a lot of pressure on you but I hope you know that I am utterly proud at who you have become. You don't have to follow my footsteps for me to be proud of you. Whatever you do, me and your father will support you. I love you my darling. Happy birthday.

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@weaslette: Oh rosie, the female version of your father. Well not really you're way smarter than him. Happy birthday Rosie.
@veelafleur: No matter what Rosie we will be here for you. We're your family, happy birthday.
@auds: Happy birthday Rosie, you are incredibly loved and appreciated so we'll see you soon alright?

10 hours ago


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ustron My darling flower, this picture was taken by your brother when both of you 'ran away' to find the best place for your mother and I's anniversary. Long story short we all ended up in the burrow. Look how cute you are little one, I remember when you were a little baby. You would tumble up and down the bed. Rolling around and wiggling that you almost fall off, needless to say love, you practiced my reflexes. My darling redhead, you will always be my prized princess and you always make me smile. It may not seem like it but I am so utterly proud of you. Happy birthday my tumbling princess.

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