~chapter 1~

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Yo,what's up? My name is Eijirou Kirishima,18 years old and third year in UA.I am here to tell you the story how I become a hero.

(⚠Warning⚠: -Swearing (mostly because of Bakugou-;-blood (when fighting and stuff);- probably angst)

Monday 6:30 am

I woke up from my alarm,it was time for school so I stand up rubbing my eyes and went to the bathroom.Strip my clothes down and turn the shower on.The cold water stream down my back while I put shampoo on my hair.

Time skip when he already changed

I styled my hair and took my backpack up. Usually me and Bakugou walk together to school so I expected him waiting for me.

"You are late dumbass."- said the blond boy while we walk to the elevator.

" We still have time don't worry plus Mr. Aizawa is probably sleeping."

"I am never worrying."- he said with angry tone.

Most of our classmates don't like Bakugou, he doesn't like to hangout with anyone unless Denki,Mina, Sero, Jirou sometimes Shinsou plus Tetsutetsu and me! I am proud to say that I am in this list. He is really important for me and our friendship is one of the best I've ever had.Bakugou probably hangs out with me because I am the only one who can take his attacks and I don't take damage from them thanks to my quirk.To be honest he's changed since the last fight with villains.He is more kind to the others.My thoughts were interrupted by Bakugou who pushed my shoulder.

"Oi,are you daydreaming or something idiot? "

"No, no, no!!"

"Then answer my question."

"What was it again" - I chuckle a little knowing that this will piss him off.

"Why are you not listening bastard!?I asked if you want to be my partner for the sparing today!!" -he yelled hitting my shoulder.

"You want to be with me?"

"Tsk, you are the only one that's fun to fight with.The others extra are to weak or boring plus I can attack how many times I want and you won't have a scratch left." - Bakugou look at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Sure then" I pushed my fists together "I will fight with you and I will do my best! "

He rolled eyes.Am I being to annoying? Maybe.. After the last fight everyone changed.We've become more close and now we fight like one.
Bakugou and Midobro are really powerful duo, but they needed time to recover.Denki and Tokoyami were amazing.. Honestly I didn't know they have that much power. And I ...eh, since that fight my quirk activates anytime it wants.Thankfully I didn't hurt anyone but it makes problems.

"Shitty hair, we are here. "

I looked over the building in front of us. I smiled.

Time skip where they are at the changing room

"Hey bro,can you help me put these things on? " - I asked Bakugou

"Fuck off"



"Come onnnnnnn"

"Ugh!"-he pull me and put it on

" Thanks man! "


We walk to the training room. Aizawa sat in the back and told us to fight with our partner. Bakugou looks at me and smirked. I felt my cheeks burn-
What was that!?
Why did he smile like that!?

"Oi, let's go! "

"Yeah yeah"

We started fighting. He used explosions. I was with my hard on then cut his arm a lil.

"Bakugou!? Sorry , it's a bad cut!"-I really mean it.

" Tsk. "

He continued fighting. More aggressive. I was with my quirk on but suddenly it stopped. I was back to normal. And when I saw explosion coming towards me I didn't know what to do.There was nothing I could protect myself with..
The explosion blast me 3 meters away.

"Kirishima!?"-bakugou ran over to me

I look at him. Was he worrying.?
Our classmates were looking at us. Aizawa walked over to us.

" What happened Kirishima? "-he asked

" Just my quirk.. It stops sometimes. "

"I didn't saw it. "-said Bakugou

I stoodup and looked at my arms. There were some burns. I looked over to Mr. Aizawa.

" Go see Recovery girl. "-he said

" Okay! "

"Can I go with him?"- wait why does he want-

"Whatever." -the teacher said leaving.

Bakugou pulled me and we walked away.

"Are you okay? "-he asked.

" Yeah. I am fine! "

"I didn't know your quirk stops."

"That's the first time it does. "

"Really? "

"Yeah but it's fine it's only little burns." - lies..


Thank you for reading my first story!! Actually I don't expect someone to read this but it doesn't stop me for dreaming right?
Well see you in next chapter. I promise I will do it as fast as I can.
Anyway if you want your favorite character more screen time, tell me!!

𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞[Kiribaku/Bakushima]Where stories live. Discover now