21; ᴘᴀᴛᴏʟʟɪ ☾

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malibu nights

2:26 ─────|──── 4:46

|◁ II ▷|

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patolli x female!reader
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───── ◦'𖥸'◦ ─────

Patri was ready. He combed his hair to untie the knots, hoping to look find for the girl of his dreams. "I can't wait to meet her. She'll look so dashing in white-"

"Oi, hurry up slowpoke." Patri's low words were cut off by a drowsy elf. Rhya had a small smirk over his face, knowing he disturbed him.

Patri threw a glare to the replica of the man named Gintoki. "Shut up, lazy brain!" Race walking to Rhya, he pouted. His eyes wandered around him, hoping to find a certain girl. He walked following Rhya, still observing the crowd but to no avail, he couldn't find the girl anywhere. Giving up, his happy mood turned disappointed; his eyes darkened in defeat.

A sudden tap came behind him. He was ready to snap before he saw her. Flowers on her head as it glows by the light. "Hey, Patri." She said. Patri was a deer caught in the headlights. He was stunned and surprised; awed by the girl's beauty that was blazing like a sun. Just shining. Patri struggled to reply, before controlling himself.

"Hey... you look really beautiful today." Patri started before realizing what he said was rather off. "I mean, just like any other day but-"

She laughs by him showing nervousness. It's adorable to her eyes and probably to anyone's eyes. Responding to his words before he embarrassed himself furthermore. "Thank you. You look wonderful, too."

Patri held out his hands towards her. She happily took it. Holding his hands which is softer than baby skin. "We should probably join the others." She spoke as her eyes started to search. Patri sighed and whined inside.

'I want to be with you, though. Just the two of us-' He cut his thoughts off to reply. "Right."

The ceremony of the wedding start. It was lovely and lively. Everyone had a large smile over their face. Everyone enjoyed this eventful day. Delighted by this historical moment, important to the elves and their leader's celebration.

Patri's eyes wavered his way to his life icon. Licht had a large smile over his face, showing how pleased he was. Patri then turned to face the girl who's holding hands with him, (y/n). Her face was soft and delighted. Laughing at the jokes and compliments given by the trio, who too enjoyed this time.

By your smiling, Patri smiled in reflect. He thought to himself and began to rethink of his thoughts about humans. 'Maybe they're not that bad.'

It was like his words were jinxed. Terror appeared and ventured to the elves, burning lives. The invasion appeared. A large magic circle emerged above the elves. Shocks and fear aroused as the light emitted from it. Light rods came down and pierced down many lives; fears and shouting erupted. Cries of children and elves in pain boomed on his ears. Regrets and anger were on the air. Blood splattered the ground.

The elves ran for safety, hoping to escape the rods impaling. The two's grip loosens, causing them to be separated. "PATRI!!" His love shouted his way, hoping to not lose him.

"(Y/N)!!!" Patri shouted for her, attempting to push through the crowd and hold her. His vision of her disappeared and he was frantic. Patri turned and in demised he saw Licht and Tetia fallen figures. "Humans... humans did this... to us elves!"

Patri held anger and regrets. "No... we should've never trusted those humans."

It wasn't long before Patri got stabbed by the light rod. His thighs were first. Leading him to fall to the bloodied ground with all his relatives and friends. His back was next; his mouth let out and iron taste.

Looking to the corner of his eyes, his eyes widened in shock. There he saw her impaled on stomach bloodied. She laid there not moving, the flower crown on her head bloodied and disassembled. Red foul substance came from her mouth.

Patri cried out her name, running to her way. He wants to scream by the pain on his thighs and back. The shouts around him were still there, although rather empty.

As he got to her, he fell right beside her. He cradled her, observing the fallen figure. His sadness was indescribable. His first love had just deceased, along with his fallen relatives and friends. The elves were massacred. He himself was soon to join them.

Patri shooked her, not accepting this fate. "Nononono!" Cradling her impaled figure as his blood seeped to her white attire. The crushed flowers scattered around her. "Please no!!"

Patri sobbed and trembled in sadness. He can't hold himself even more. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I should've protected you! I haven't even told you all the things I should've told you." Patri fell beside him, with her on his arms.

He hugged her close, not minding the pain he's feeling right now. Not minding all the blood and the light rod on his thighs and back. Not minding the rod impaled on her stomach. He just wants comfort and the last feeling of hugging her close to him. "I love... you... so, so,... much."

He can't speak. The pain was surreal, it was terrible. His hatred and revenge on humans fired within him.

'I swear. I'll get my revenge on you!'

He could feel death awaits him. He just held her closer to him, tears sipped from his eyes as it drips on her soft face. 'I will.'

'I will.'

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I feel my body giving up.
—malibu nights, lany

7/11/20 ☁︎ revenge
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